2. The Behavioural Analysis Unit Team

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"She's got one hell of trauma. She barely remembers that she's escaped from the basement" the BAU team gathered in front of the huge window glass panels just outside the girl ward. They watched the chaos that happened inside when the girl suddenly awakened and went on rampage mode. A doctor and a nurse, along with 2 men from their team, were almost troubled about handling her. It's insane how the human body can be pushed far from its limit when they're in extreme fear. She almost overpowered them. And fear also made her imagine things. They vividly heard her talking to no one behind them, telling her to run away. 

"Did we find anything from that basement?" David Rossi asks his teammates while pulling out his phone, ready to call the one and only Penelope Garcia.

"Nothing. If there's something, the UnSub have an amazing skill to tampering, in this case, removing all the evidence and left nothing for us" Jennifer 'JJ' Jareau answer it and slides her fingers right and left on the photos in her tablet "it's wiped clean"

"The UnSub probably someone who studied about crime scene cleanings, or might be a former forensic worker" Rossi pass them his opinion, then making the phone call "Garcia, expand the search for a former forensic worker who owns property in this area, medical examiner student, and any other people who worked in the same field like us"

They can hear Garcia hitting her keyboard fast "um, nothing sir. Zero, nada, nu-uh"

The team looked disappointed. "Okay, we'll call you later, Garcia. Thanks" Rossi ended the call. 

"Do you think they've been moved from somewhere else?" JJ is still focusing on the photos, trying to find something they're probably missed out on. But it turned out to be nothing. The place is clean as snow. So she closes her tablet and shifts her focus to her team.

"It's a probability too," someone answered. They look up to the wide-open ward door, Luke Alvez and Matt Simmons walk towards them with smug and tired faces.

"She's in bad shape. She can't see properly and she's kept on whispering to a girl named Ashley and told her to run away" Matt informed and then sat down on the bench behind them. That girl has excellent energy, but it could be because of her instincts. He massaged his right shoulder, she kicked him quite hard there. It will surely leave bruises tomorrow. He winced, that kinda hurt actually. A nurse who saw him get kicked came back and handed him an ice gel pack. He thanked her and put it over his shoulder. JJ patted his other shoulder softly.

"I think she's half-deaf too" Luke added and leaning towards the glass panels, "did you see her eyes focusing on the nurse's mouth while she's talking? Then she got more upset afterwards" his hand stroking the bite mark she made. It almost ripped his skin off. 

"I will feel the same if I woke up half-blind, half-deaf with strangers around me. Not knowing what happened to me" Rossi said.

"Her brain is still in survival mode. And she's continuing what she's been planning all of this time. This whole situation is a deathly threat for her" Tara said while crossing her hands in her chest, she watched the doctor examine the girl. The bruises on her face are nasty. She was beaten badly. Very bad.

"Ashley. We can use that name, it's probably another missing girl we didn't know yet" Emily said "I hope she's survived too"

Rossi's phone rings and interrupted them, he answered it within the second ring, "go head Garcia, you're on speaker"

"Oh, I love speakers. So the report for our Jane Doe just came in. Her name is Ashley Harada, 28 years old, live in Chinatown with her grandmother. She's working as a Japanese translator in a private overseas company. She's been missing for 2 months"

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