6. The Number Four

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Blood description, guns, knives, torturing scenes that might be triggers for some people. If you are not comfortable with this, I highly recommend please skip the chapter.

The night is still young, but the hunting game has started. A woman ran as fast as she could, ducked under bushes, hiding behind every tree's shadow. Avoiding any street lights that will reveal where she was. Her head couldn't understand what happened right now. She was supposed to run far and hide when she got a call from Paige, crying in fear and out of breath. Begging for help. She said he found her and now he was somewhere behind her, with a machete and harpoon. She was shot once. Melinda Lanes asked her where she is right now and she told her somewhere in Norfolk. Near Cedar Grove cemeteries. 

Mel hesitated for a second, but then she told Paige, she will come to help her and they can run together. So she stole a car, then drove to Norfolk to save her friends. Isla is nowhere to be found. Mel hopes Isla is somewhere safe and hidden. They were trying to communicate under the radar, trying the Isla way of basic communication she was taught during her training in the academy. It was successful, but now she needs to warn Isla about The Hunter catching Paige. 

She dumped the stolen vehicle at the pier and continued walking, this is the safest way. She was walking for nearly one hour to Cedar Grove, and when she arrived there, she didn't find anyone but a cardigan she was sure belonged to Paige. The cardigan was stained with blood. Panic, she found clues left by Paige, and it brings her to the very empty street somewhere in Norfolk. The houses are in line on both sides of the street. It seems like the residents have already abandoned it. She was shivering in cold, hunger and tiredness. She clutched her body tighter, trying hard to block the cold wind from her weak body. 

Where the hell is she? She stared at the empty houses and one house on her far left caught her attention, she ran faster and broke into the house. The light flickering on and off. In the middle of the living room, Paige was tied on her hands and legs into a chair. Her head hung low, blood everywhere. Gasping in fear, Mel quickly gets closer to her and tries to cut her rope.

"Paige, it's me. Hang on. Let's get out of here" she quickens her movement, Paige stirred a bit

"Mel, you came," she said with a weak voice.

"Of course, hang on a bit" Mel pulled here and there to loosen up the rope.

"It's too late, Mel. The Hunter is here. This is a trap Mel" she cried, 

"Don't be such a baby! We will get out of here!" Mel almost cried too. 

"It's too late to run, Mel.." Paige cried out loud, and somewhere between her cries, she's laughing.

"Paige, you're in shock" Mel body tensed, there's something wrong with Paige. Something really wrong.

"You're too late Melinda Lanes, this is indeed a trap! And you came straight into MY TRAP! You fool!" She continued to laugh and removed the rope easily. Mel fell to the ground, shocked.

Melinda's eyes were wide and filled with realisation, she is The Hunter! She jumped up and ran, as fast as she could but then a rope snatched her neck, held her inside the house. No no no, this could not be happening right now! 

All she can remember next is her scream filled the house, and the empty neighbourhood.

Melinda snapped herself and back to reality, she continued running after stopping and catching breath. Blood dripped from her lips, the tangy taste filled her mouth when her tongue licked the wound. She was able to run from her, or maybe Paige was kind enough to let her go. Only to track her down again. The game is still on.

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