Chapter Seven

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The ride ended sooner than I thought. Exchanging stories about our childhoods made the time go by faster. We laughed at the good stories and emphasized with the bad ones. 

"Here we are," Jameson said, pulling into a driveway before parking in the grass. Lots of cars were parked in the yard, but then, all of his siblings were there. 

We walked up the driveway and Jameson let us into the front hallway. 

"Oh, look!" an excited voice yelled. "They're here!" Everyone was in the huge kitchen. 

A blonde woman came running out of the kitchen- Leanne. "I'm so glad to meet you, Willa," she said in her brilliant British accent. "It's nice to see you in person." 

"Me too!", I told her. After our worried chats together, Leanne and I had actually become friends, talking at least once a week. She hugged Jameson and we went into the kitchen.

I'm somewhat anxious about being in crowds, even on good occasions like this. Jameson knew this and held my hand the whole time. I met all of his siblings and their children, who were so polite and wonderful. I also met his parents, Stephen and Malina. I loved the way Malina talked- she was from Poland and so was my grandmother. I grew up listening to that accent and it has a special spot in my memories and heart. 

Malina hugged me. "I haven't seen Jamie this happy since he met his ex, but she is long gone. I can't believe we got to meet you!" 

"I'm glad he's so happy," I replied. "That's all I really want for him." 

The family had a huge spread of food across an island, most of which I had never eaten before- they were so good. 

I sat next to Jameson and he continued to hold my hand. At first I didn't know what to say to everyone, but as I met the children and spoke individually with them, I felt a bit more comfortable.

As the evening went on, everyone went their separate ways. The children were delightful and the adults were warm and humorous. They eventually left. Soon, it was just Jameson and I with his parents.

Malina and Stephen already knew how we met and most of the details of our relationship so I didn't have to explain any of that.

"Jamie has grown a lot," Stephen said softly. "We're really proud of him...he just needs to reign in that drinking."
The room grew quiet.

"I know," Jamison said softly. He glanced at me. I could tell that he did not want to discuss this issue, but here we were. I wished so much that he didn't drink at all, but I hadn't seen him take a drink since I showed up at his flat. I was happy about that. "I just don't know how to live my best life without alcohol." He sighed. 

I didn't say anything. I didn't know what to say and sometimes it's better to say nothing. I didn't want to look like the nagging girlfriend, if that's what I was, but I also didn't want Malina and Stephen to think I didn't care. I did care, more than they could imagine. 

Malina spoke softly. "Jamison, alcoholism runs in the family. Most everyone in my family drinks, you know this. We're Polish, but we don't have to live up to the stereotype." She smiled. "I used to drink a lot, Willa, a lot of vodka, but I didn't want the kids and now my grandchildren to see me drunk all the time. It took a few times but I finally quit." 

"Good for you, I'm so glad to hear that," I replied. "Maybe Jamison will join you." 

Jamison cleared his throat. "I'm right here, you know. I know I need to stop drinking, I'm certain my body will appreciate it. I just don't think I'm ready." 

I knew that my being there wasn't going to be the magic cure that Jamison needed to stop drinking and stay sober, but what would it take? I had no idea and it looked like he didn't either. 

Stephen spoke up.

"Son, we worry about you a lot, I'm sure Willa does too. You're well loved and we just want to see you happier and healthier. Mom and I will always be there to help you, and it looks like Willa has joined the team from thousands of miles away." He smiled. 

"Maybe soon," Jamison said. "I don't want to be an old man still drinking. Just not yet." 

With that, he stood up. "Are you ready, Willa? It's a drive." 

I could tell he was ready to go. I grabbed my purse and said my goodbyes to Malina and Stephen. Malina hugged me one last time. "I am just so glad to meet you," she said happily. "Jamie doesn't bring anyone home often, so I know you mean a lot to him." I nodded. "Thanks for having me and it was good to meet all of you."  Jamison barely said goodbye to his parents and was silent as we walked to the car. 

"I am not thrilled that they brought up my drinking around you," Jamison muttered. 

"It's okay. It's not like I don't know about it. You're not perfect, but nobody is," I said. "I love you either way." The drive home was different- Jamison seemed to have a lot on his mind and barely spoke. He turned on the radio, which had been muted during our drive in. I remained quiet. I'm not much of a fighter and that's where I felt this conversation was heading. I looked out the window and thought about how much I loved Jamison. That's what brought me here. 

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