Chapter 5

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Joey tells everyone he has to go to the restroom, and he leaves. He finds the church. There is a neon blue light with darkness coming out of it. When the group has had enough, they find Joey, standing at the bridge. "Joey, what are you doing?" "He's staring at the frickin' demon, y'all." Joey's acting super weird. He's not responding to his name. He's not turning around when they're yelling at him.

"JOEY!" Michael yelled. "AH! You scared me. What are you doing?" "Joey, what are you doing over here?" "That's where the darkness is coming from. That's where the carnival master is. I've been here before. Joey says that the symbols on the Lazarus Box stand for the Society Against Evil, which he says he's worked for before.

"I've helped them in the past, and they asked for my help again. Which is why we're all here. If you've been here before, and you saw us at the séance... I don't know how I got here. I don't know how I got here. I don't know how I left, but I did.  I know I sound crazy right now, but I have," Joey explained. You know what? I'm over this. This is not helping any of us right now. Let's just go back to the map," Colleen commented. 

They go back to the lounge. Calliope comes over with the map and on it, they see a police station and another carnival tent that's appeared. "You think you're stronger than me, kid? I'm stronger than ten men. I'm strong like a demon. Come to the show and prove your strength." They're greeted by a carnie. "Step right up! Y'all here to see the strongman, huh?" "Yeah. Is he a nice strongman?" "You gonna find out, aren't you, cutie?" She spits.  "Step inside. Only the strongest among you...Can open the strongman's box. So we're gonna have us a little arm-wrestling match to find out which one of y'all is the strongest. I need y'all to pair up into teams."

They pair up into teams, and start the contest. Then, Manny wins. "Ow, my fingers!" Joey said, looking at his fingers that were kind of broken. He opens the box and finds the pyramid.  "The demon that lives inside this configuration has escaped and must be locked back inside to cleanse the artifact. The missing pieces must be restored to the cube to seal it." "Hold on, that's the artifact? That means we just released the strongman." The strongman roars. "I smell fear! Do you think you're stronger than me? No one's stronger than me!" The strongman yells. Ro and Safiya get captured. One group has to go cleanse the artifact and finish it.  The other group had to go into the jail and break Safiya and Ro out of it.

On the bottom of the ferris wheel toy is a riddle, saying something about "one of you has to be the captain. The captain has to be the one with two legs on the ground. The joker will complete the trio." And then it says that the tallest has to be on top. Later, the chest finally unlocks, and inside is the first piece to cleansing the demonic pyramid. "The second missing piece of the demonic configuration can only be found after the demon idol has been reassembled." Then, they find the second piece. 

As soon as the girls enter the code, the box outside the jail cell opens up and releases an extension cord. Ro finds the other Lazarus coin. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! What kind of funny business is going on around here, huh?" Veronica asked. "Veronica, we're having a fun night, you're drinking whiskey, you look good. Don't worry about it," Safiya replied. "Something looks fishy in here." "It's just my coat. It's really ugly." 

As soon as the cop's girlfriend turns around, Ro and Saf jump out the window and they book it back to the lounge. They finally solve the puzzle and a little compartment pops open. Joey pulls out the final piece of the artifact. "To cleanse the artifact, insert the fragments into the configuration and wrap it with a holy band of leather. To recover the leather band, a new strongman must be found. Only the strongest will survive." 

"It says we need to find the strongest man, and you proved yourself earlier tonight, that you are the strongest man." "So why would you want to go against me?" Manny asked. "I don't want to go against you." "I think we should put up Joey. He's been acting very strangely this entire time. "Me?" "He has some connection to this league that he's not telling us about." "Well, first of all, I feel a connection to this town and I have a purpose here. There's something more that I have to do here, and if I'm killed before that time, you guys won't get out of here alive. You need me." Colleen looked as if she wanted to kill Joey on the spot. 

"I didn't want to tell you guys this from the beginning, because I was scared of, like, what you guys would think. Truth is, I died. I died and I woke up in this town. I was so scared. I didn't know what was going on. And I signed a contract that I would save this town and they would bring me back to life. And if I don't save this town, I die with it. I should've told you guys, but I didn't-I didn't know how you guys would take it. I have unfinished business that I need to do here, so that's why it's so important that I don't go out into that elimination," Joey explained, about to cry.

"Pretty poorly, actually. 'Cause what you just said is that you're willing to trade nine lives for yours, Joey? Great. There's no justice here," Matt slammed down his badge on the table. "I want to confess something as well before Colleen tries to kill Joey," Michael told. "What?" Everyone looks at him. "The truth is... I'm not Joey's brother. My name is Joseph Michael Graceffa. However, I'm not from here. I'm from a different universe, in 2021. Everything I did is so similar to how I filmed it... Because I made a show called Escape The Night. Samantha here is JetPack Girl, from your universe..."

Suddenly, Colleen's eyes widened. "So, you filmed all of this?" "How many seasons are there?" "4 seasons. I wasn't able to film season 5 because.. reasons." Matthew gasped. "So you're both Joey?" The Joeys nodded. 

"It is now time to vote," Calliope announced. Everyone voted.  The first male going into the challenge is the detective. The second male going into the challenge is The Record Producer. Everyone heads outside after Manny and Matt change. "The first to win three of five feats of strength will be the victor." Manny: 1. Matt: 0. All of a sudden, Matt pulls out a win. Manny: 2. Matt: 1. "There's no way I'm gonna be able to recover." Matt is the winner of the fourth challenge. Mortimer pulls up the arm-wrestling table. Manny wins. He looks over at Matt, who gets killed by the Strongman. 

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