Chapter 8

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In the arcade, the remaining guests hung out."Okay, guys, enough. None of us are gonna get out of here alive if we don't start working together. Let's look at the map and see what we have to do. We have to move forward with the mission." They pull the map off the wall, and they see that there are suddenly three new areas on it. The gas station, the cemetery, and a bridge that leads to the cemetery.

They run to the pump station. There's some crazy guy tied up in a very nice suit but with a hood on. "She'll be back soon to burn me. One of the witches. She'll be back soon to burn me. You have to find the key." The man told. "Where? Which way's the key?" I don't know." They eventually find these symbols that correlate to a certain number. So while Joey and Michael solve the math equations on the hood of the car, Samantha, Safiya, and Matthew are over there testing the numbers into the lock. 

"They're going to come back. You have to hurry." "We're trying, sir. We don't even know who you are." And then it says, "Pull to open." The note tells that a coven of witches has been using this wicker man to curse people in the town and that to cleanse this artifact, they would have to reverse three of those curses. They set the man free, and the guy takes off his mask. "Oh, my God. What happened to you?" "What are you looking at? You never seen a guy with a pig face before?" "Well-" A young witch cursed me." "Is there a spell to break the same curse you have?"

"They got you too. Now, a curse takes time to manifest." "Wait, wait, what is this?" "I took something from the witches." Mr. Pig Man grabs a spellbook from inside of his car. And as soon as he pulls that thing out... The witches walk out. The group runs to Fat Man Slims. In Fat Man Slims, they roll out the piece of parchment onto the table, and they see that there's a diagram with all of these different curses that they have to reverse: an amulet of youth, a ring from a dead man, and the bloody snout of a pig.

"So if we reverse your curse, can we have your snout?" An old woman walks out. "The witches killed my brother with their curse and then stole my youth. Look at me. I look like a goddamn hag." "I love your overalls." "Yeah, super cute." "Where do we find him?" "His bones are in the cemetery." "We have the swine undone, we have the resurrection spell, and we have the transformation spell." "Yes, the transformation spell will help you disguise yourself to look like one of the witch's lovers."

"Okay, let's just rip out these two pages. We have the reverse-a-swine spell, and we have the invisibility spell."  All of a sudden, a witch pops in, and the guests hide. "Where did they go, old lady? Tell me. You know what I can do... Ugh, I don't have time for this. I've got to go meet my lover." The witch leaves. The guests come out of hiding. That was the witch who killed my brother. She saves the bones of her victims in the cemetery. She lures men there at night and has her way with them before killing them. 

"To bring someone back from the grave, you will need to place their bones in a ritual urn and surround it by emblems of four elements, which lie hidden in plain sight." They search inside of Fat Man Slim's trying to find all sorts of elements. "Soil of the Sun. Sunflower. So this is, like, earth." "I found a fan." "Is it wind?" "A lighter." "A water bottle? That's purified." "It wouldn't be an ice cube, would it?" "Wait, petrified..yeah." "To bring someone back from the grave, you will need to place their bones in a ritual urn."

"Curse the innocent. Redeem the evil. Open the sky and pour out your darkness that we might see your wicked ways." The witches cast spells. "All right, come on. What does the spellbook say?" "We need to find a cloak and white sand." "And what does this one say?" "swine undone. Elk's blood, yeti's milk, and salamander eyeballs in a silver flask."

They see a huge shelf of ingredients and assume what they need is probably gonna be there. The downside, though, is that they also see two witches right next to that shelf of ingredients. They're too busy casting spells, but they don't seem to be going anywhere. They don't seem to be moving. "They might be distracted while they're casting their spells. So you can kinda get around them while they're casting the spell." As Joey walks up to the shelf with the cloak on, a witch catches them. "Get them!" At that point, the witches catch them, and all bets are off. Samantha and Joey get cursed. 

Meanwhile, with Michael, Safiya, and Matthew, they head to the cemetery. "So, what am I gonna do?" He asked. "See if you can ask the witch to teach you spells or something?" Safiya told. Michael's eyes lit up. "Yes! Finally, I don't have to be a baby witch anymore!"  Then, they recite the spell. "With this spell, we recite. Let thou walk as them tonight." The magic comes out of the book, and spins around Michael. His eyes glow, then turn to normal. "Do you feel any different?" "No. I still feel like me, and that's not a good thing, because guess what? I'm gay!" 

Michael heads to the cemetery. "Hey there." "Hey, lover boy." "How's it going?" Michael asked. "Good. I've been waiting for you. My name is Sandra. What's yours?" "Michael," he replied. "Tell me a poem." "Roses are red, violets are violet... I really don't like it when my friends get violent." Sandra giggles. "So, why did you come here, hmm?" "Well, I saw there were some witches here.. I'm kinda like.. a baby witch. Think you could help me?" Sandra smiles. "Of course. Do you have a wand?" Safiya and Matthew watch as they talk.

"Just this Glitch Interrupter." Michael takes it out. "That's cool." Sandra takes out a wand from her jacket. "Here, I'm going to teach you some spells." After an hour of teaching spells, Michael tests them out. "Great job." She smiles. "Okay, baby, come with me. These are the bones that you want." "Hey, Sandra?" "Yes?" "Come meet my friends!" Safiya and Matthew come out of hiding. "Is this a ruse?" "No, we just really need your help." Sandra sighed. "How can I help?" Michael explained his situation and why he's in this universe. 

So now that they have all the elements and they have the bones, they can finally do the incantation to bring Sam back to life. "What once was lost returns with no cost. Souls sent to the gate rebel against you. Fate restores the body whole. Your life renewed, a new soul." The husband comes out, and gives the ring to Safiya. Everyone heads over to Fat Man Slims.  "Hey, buddy. They mix the entire potion, cast the spell, and they give it to him. "Drink this right now."

 "I hope you guys did this right." He drinks it, then slams the pig nose on the table. "Oh, my God. You're okay." "I can't believe you guys pulled it off. Stay away from witches." So the other two witches have Maria, and they're about to kill her. Michael and Sandra walk out. "Sisters, I have brought us a friend," Sandra said. "Hmm, what's his name?" Belle asked. "Michael." He waved. "You've been teaching him spells?" "He's one of us. The sisters and Michael walk back in. 

"Can you restore Maria's youth?" "Sure," Debra said. They restore Maria's youth, and whoever was cursed is now not cursed. "Guys, we only have one more artifact left. We're gonna get out of Everlock. Well, three of us are." 

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