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Suddenly, Everlock glitches and Joey disappears. Michael, Samantha, Matthew, Safiya, and the witches are teleported back to Joey's house. "Oh, you guys are back! And you've brought two others!" Justine said. "Oh, hey Justine!" Matthew said. The witches sit on the couch. "Isn't that the life crystal?" Belle asked, pointing to the Life Crystal, on the coffee table. "It is! What's it doing here?" Safiya inquired, confused. Bryan and Amelia call Michael. He picks up the phone and gathers everyone around.

"Joey! Oh, we're so glad you picked up. How's everything?" Amelia asked. "Well, we just escaped Everlock. It was a town locked in the 1970s," Safiya explained. "Are those witches?" Bryan asked. "Yeah! This is Sandra, Belle, and Debra!" Michael told. "We're Bryan and Amelia Dechart!" "Nice to meet you guys." "Where's Joey?" Eva asked. "Oh no... He disappeared again!" Matthew said, putting his hands on his head. Bryan and Amelia ended the call. "Anyone know where Joey could be?" Colin asked. Michael gasped. "There's only one place we haven't been to yet.....The Collector's Museum." "What?"

 "The Collector. She goes to so many places to find artifacts for her exhibits..... I have a feeling Joey is going to the museum to rescue our fallen friends." Everyone gasped. "So, where is The Collector's Museum?" Safiya asked. "In Purgatory. We'll have to ask the SAE to help us." "Okay." "So, who are you bringing, Michael?" "Safiya, the witches, Colin, Eva, Justine, and Matthew. The rest of you can stay home." "Be careful out there Michael, okay?" "I'll be careful, don't worry." Then, the group left for the Collector's Museum. 

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