Chapter 6

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In Fat Man Slims, the guests argue. "I'm over this! All my friends are dying! Matt was one of our last hopes. Now he's dead because of Joey," Nikita said. "If anyone, blame Manny! Manny's the one who went up-" "Listen up, guys! I've concluded we're all going to die anyway, so we might as well just enjoy our last moments. Cheers to that," Colleen commented. She goes to Mortimer to talk to him.  "I don't want to be around Joey, 'cause I'm positive he's lying. So why don't you and I just leave together?" Colleen asked. "I would honestly love to do that. Let's just go upstairs. They're gonna die anyway!" Colleen, what are you doing?" "Let her live her own damn fantasy." "As if Michael isn't in his own fantasy..." "Shut up, will ya? You're so annoying."

"All right, Colleen, enough is enough. Get over here. We have work to do," Michael told. "Something has changed on the map." Calliope brought the map over. "There will be blood on all of your hands. The price of being a hero in this town of horrors." "What else is new on here?" "The Dollmaker's Shoppe!" Joey exclaimed. "Creepy dolls are creepy! It says, "The Doll Maker's children have changed. They want to spin in circles, but they keep fighting over which horse to ride. Maybe you can help?"

The group heads over to the merry-go-round. They see a box and a big button. Nikita pushes the red button, and the merry-go-round starts spinning. The box opens. "The Night Killer's doll is split in two: the body and the head. To begin cleansing the doll, you must find the body and reconnect the head. But be careful! The Doll Maker's children were corrupted by the artifact."  "I'm thinking the dollmaker's place. That's the only place." "I think she's got a good point," Mortimer stated. They head to the dollmaker's place.

Inside of the glass case is what looks like the body that corresponds to the head of the doll that they need to connect." They find a journal, and Manny opens it. "I didn't know what the carnival master had given me." "It's no ordinary doll. I discovered it's made from the skin of a serial killer...Known as the Night Killer. I couldn't fathom the things he did to people. I locked the case with each act. Only a sick and twisted mind will be able to open it. And they'll deserve what they find."

"A sick and twisted mind? Joey, that's you!" Colleen remarked. Joey pouts. There are these clues in front of every doll. Each torture device basically tells them they have to torture each doll to open one of the locks on the glass case in the middle of the room. Colleen goes over to the first doll. So the note says, "The bad ones he sent to the bottom of the lake." "This is full of coins. There's one on this ankle, so we gotta put one on the other to make him sink." As Colleen drowns the doll, the first lock opens. 

"This one is tongue-tied. Getting her to talk may be a stretch." The second lock breaks. "Sawing right down the middle is the key. No touching the doll, but you may still have to get your hands dirty." "Guys! We found a jar." Samantha said.  It says, "Reach inside if you dare." "I bet it's in there. I bet the saw is inside that thing," Manny said. 

"All right, someone hold my jacket." Joey takes his jacket off and reaches inside the jar. He finds the key which corresponds to a red toolbox that was also on the shelf. Then last lock falls off. "The Night Killer murdered over a hundred people before he was carved up and turned into a doll. His evil acts live on in this child's toy, granting it the power to bring the inanimate to life. After reconnecting the head, place the doll in the base of the Maiden of Madness to complete the cleansing. Rumor has it the doll maker locked the maiden away inside his shop." Another clue just gets unlocked. "Be careful of the twins." 

They find a key. Okay, guys, it says, "I've hidden the Maiden of Madness behind three tests..." One of fear, one of pain, and one of blood. For the trial of fear, hit the switch and then place your hand inside the chute for ten seconds." Nikita puts her hand down the garbage disposal. Manny flips the switch. Nikita screams. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten! Manny flips the switch again. "You okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine. "Pull the lever if you can handle the pain. It's quite shocking how hard it is to hang on to." Safiya feels a jolt of electricity go through her arm. She pushes it into the other side. Something opened. "The group must divide in two. One will return to the warehouse to claim the blood doll, which can open the Maiden's frame. The other group must remain and solve the trail of blood. But hurry, the twins are coming. Sooner or later, you must lead them to the jail cell and lock them up, or they'll stab you."

They split off. The first group finds a gorey bedtime story, and lead the twins into the jail, where they lock them in. Meanwhile, the second group pours blood into cups, and then solve a puzzle with doll heads. One more challenge. "You have the blood doll and should go, but if you're a seeker of thrills, there's one last treasure to uncover. If you want to play, swallow the red pill." "Well Joey, good luck in The Matrix." Joey takes the pill, and he disappears. "Where did he go?!"

Suddenly, Joey gets transported into another universe. He looks around. "Where am I?" He asked himself. Amelia walks into the studio. "Oh, hey Joey! How was your adventure?" She asked. "My adventure?" He asked. "Look, no time to explain. I need your help. Bryan is at home right now, and you're the only one who might know about this." Joey was confused. He went with Amelia to the house. 

At the house, Bryan is sipping his tea and thinking to himself on the couch. "Bryan, Joey's here!" Bryan looks up. "Huh? Hey!" Bryan hugs Joey. "Who are you guys?" "I'm Bryan Dechart, and this is Amelia Rose Blaire," Bryan explained. "Ah, I see. Well I'm Joey Graceffa, but I think I'm in the wrong universe." Amelia takes out a box of The Savant's Tea. "So you have this in your universe?" She asked. "They deliver to me as well. I believe Bryan might have become The Savant..." Joey said. "Is he going to be okay?" "He'll be fine. Keep him safe. Anyways, I'm looking for a coin. I was wondering if you guys knew anything about it?" Bryan goes to the shelf where they keep all of the games they've played, and pulls out a coin.

"This one? I found it when I entered the studio today." Bryan showed the coin to Joey. "It's a Lazarus coin! I really need that," Joey said. "What's a Lazarus coin?" Amelia asked. "The coin unlocks the Lazarus Box. I have no idea what's inside it," Joey replied. Bryan gave the coin to Joey. "Thanks guys. Michael will see you soon, okay?" Bryan and Amelia nodded. Then, Joey disappears. 

Meanwhile, just as the trap door is opening, Michael and all of their friends come running into the shop. They head to the Maiden Of Madness. "Seal the blood doll in the Maiden's face to open the chamber." There are spikes, tons of blood, organs on the ground. It looks like something out of a horror movie.  "You have opened the Maiden of Madness, and regret will surely follow. "To cleanse the Night Killer's doll, it must first be placed in the chamber beneath her feet." Nikita places the doll into the chamber, and the maiden opens. "Then one of you must be chosen by vote to forfeit their life and enter the Maiden. Once the door has been sealed and their screams have ceased, the doll will be cleansed. Choose wisely. Their death will weigh on your conscience." Colleen starts pushing Michael towards the maiden. 

"Hey, what are you doing?!" Michael yelled. "Stop!!!" Samantha pushes Colleen to the right and lets Michael step off to the left. "That's it. Colleen, you're going into the maiden!" Everyone pushed Colleen into the maiden, and shut the doors. She started screaming. Then, everyone covered their ears and started crying. Once the screams stopped, the chamber opened, and the doll was cleansed. Michael grabs the doll.  

"There's no point in shedding tears anymore. We have to all be strong. If we don't complete all of this before sunrise, everyone would've died for absolutely nothing. I'm just as sad as everyone else that Colleen's gone, but at the same time, hello, people! We gotta go!" Nikita announced. They head to the Lounge, and take the box out to the table. Then, Joey appears in the small office in the lounge. "Joey, there you are!" Samantha said. He hands the coin to Michael. "I went to your universe. I did the best I could to help Bryan and Amelia." "Where were you?" Michael and Saf place the coins on the box, and it opens. There's a harp inside. 

"The harp of Lazarus only has one song left to play before its magic is gone. Its music has the power to bring one of your friends back from the dead. Name them and strum the harp three times. The two who found the coins will make the final choice on who returns. Please choose wisely." "I think there's definitely one person in my mind that I want to bring back for sure." "There's one person in my mind as well." Safiya and Michael nod at each other. 

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