Chapter 9

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The group heads back into The Lounge. "Okay, guys, we have one more artifact to go. We got this," JC said. "Listen, listen, listen, listen. Listen. Someone's after me. We need to do something about The Anomly before this universe is erased!" Michael exclaimed. The others nodded. There was only JC, Samantha, Joey, Michael, the witches and Matthew left. They take off the map and look at it. "Strange you'd ever forget the night?" "12, three, six, nine, and then it all starts again." They pull the pieces off the clock, and they find a combination of the symbols that they're seeing on the map, as well as letters. They match up the symbols on these little pieces onto the map itself, and it changes what the center message reads. "Arrange your seven to get the eighth."

They realize that they have to re-arrange the artifacts in the correct order that the map is showing. "The triangle that you want is up on top. Yes, you have the strongman. And then, the statue of Era. Far-right. Then the snake in that one. And next is the wicker man in that one. Yeah, and then-" Suddenly, the compartment in the coffee table opens. "Whoa!" "What the heck?There was an artifact in here this whole time?"  "The Collar of Control must be worn by one of you to begin the cleansing process. Choose wisely, as the collar cannot be removed without help." This collar looks like it's made from skin. It has eyeballs, it has teeth.

 "You must re-attach the four metal rings to fully purify the collar." "Samantha, why don't you do it?" "I mean, sure. It looks disgusting, but if I have to..." They help put the collar on Samantha. All of a sudden, this crazy, psycho, lunatic woman and her dog come barging in. She literally calls Samantha and her body is literally moving on its own. The lady goes over to Mortimer. "There's something wicked about you, pretty boy." "What?" Mortimer said, puzzled. "You let something creep inside you. And you. You're not supposed to be here!" "And I'm trying to get out of here!" Michael pouts. "I don't know what the hell you're talking about," Mortimer replied. "I think you do.

No matter, the Carnival Master will be free soon, and will rip your goddamn throats out. You should be ashamed of how slowly you're progressing." Lucy grabs Joey. Matt, JC, Michael, and Samantha get taken to a tent, and are tied up to these two poles. Mortimer and the witches run out to the drug store. They find a key and in the mailbox outside, "Is there anything that you could use a beanbag for?" "Mothertrucker hell." "Watch your language." "Mothertrucker is watching my language." Matt enters the right code, and he gets the key to the handcuffs. So not only does this drawer contain a handcuff key that frees the group, but it also has a note that says that there's actually a way for them to rescue Samantha from the control collar. "To free your friend from the influence of the collar, three of you must lay hands on them at once, and then quickly remove it."

"If you choose to not save your friend, they'll be forced into the final challenge without a vote. But be careful, if your friend touches you, then you are automatically added to the voting box. "Cross the bridge and venture onto unholy ground. The first ring lies beyond the altar inside the Church of the Damned." "That's where the Carnival Master is." "We can't go in there. "Why not" "Because that's where the Carnival Master is." "That's the whole point." "We have to do something about the Anomaly, though." "That's what we've been working for. That's what the eight artifacts are for." "All right, come on, let's go." They grab Samantha, and take off the collar. 

"We need to go into that church and we need to cleanse our artifact. But we got to watch out, because the Carnival Master is in there-" The demon dog roars. "Go, he's coming, he's coming, quick!" They head into the church. "He can't come in. He's a demon." "That's him. That's the Carnival Master. He's encased in amber." "I mean, here he is, but should we look around?" "Okay, yeah, here."

"To claim the first ring, two of you must make a sacrifice by placing one hand each inside the altar, and closing the metal ring around it.""So many in this town took a dirty secret to their grave. The second ring can only be seen once you have re-united five of them with their secret fetish." "The demon dog holds the third ring around its neck." "You'll need to find the hunter's trap in the trees, lure it inside with a tasty human morsel, and then impale it with an iron rod. "The iron rod from the gnarled tree. The trap is on the other side of the cemetery." They kill the dog. "Grab the ring, grab the ring!" "I'm so sorry. - Don't apologize to him!" "I got the ring!

"I do not support animal cruelty!" Matthew yelled. They ran to the church. "To claim the fourth ring, two must be selected by vote to beat Lucy at her own game. Be warned, you're nearing your final confrontation with the Carnival Master." "Calliope, do you want to just put one of each of our names in?" "If that's what you wish. It's impossible for us to vote against each other. I think it should just be the fate of the cards to decide." Everyone nodded. Calliope takes one of each, and puts them into her hand. "I will now shuffle, and draw two."

"It is time. Are you ready? The first person going into the challenge is... The Hippie. The second person going into the challenge is...The Inventor. "What, again?" "Come, I will lead you to the challenge. You guys come as well, to observe." They head over to the tent."Mortimer, are you okay? Are you okay?" "Something's wrong with his chest." "Why is his heart like, so messed up?" "There are nine boxes and nine keys among the pool. One box holds salvation. Pop your balloon to be free of your straightjacket. Find the right key before your friend or this might be your end."

The challenge begins. They jump in, pop them basically at the same exact time. Right away, Samantha finds the key. She is literally flying by, finding two keys before JC can even find one. And then... She finds a gun after fiddling with her straightjacket. "Sorry JC.. But I have to do this." JC sighs. Then, she shoots him.  "Wait, wait, hold up." "What is it?" "It's the final ring, it's the final ring." They cleanse the collar. "Oh, we did it, we finally got the final artifact. We can finally go home."

Suddenly, Mortimer snatches the collar and runs to the church. Everyone runs after him. Then, they enter. "I knew there was something suspicious about him," Bella told. "Mortimer!" "Don't come any closer." "What are you doing? - I'm freeing Nicholas." "It's the evil inside you talking. Stop it!" "All the artifacts are in here!" "Don't tell me what to do." "Mortimer, no-"Through the artifacts, Nicholas kicks the amber prison down. 

I've done all that you asked," Mortimer told. Inside the chest of the Carnival Master is this crystal, and for some reason, it's calling to Joey. The Carnival Master has a crystal that can bring those you've lost in the past back to life. "Come," Nicholas said. Mortimer went to him. He started using his magic on him. The witches came in front of the group, and take out their wands. Michael takes out his wand. "You... are so easily manipulated." Mortimer drops as the witches and Michael blast Nicholas to the wall with their witch magic.  Nicholas goes over to the two Joeys.

"I can smell the stench of the society all over you. They called you into a war that's not yours. And now, you're going to pay for it with your lives. But don't worry, I have some very special friends who are going to come visit you. As for you... You don't belong here. Another universe, where you filmed it all. And now, it has brought you here... You both shall tremble underneath the Anomaly," Nicholas announced. All the artifacts are glowing. "Why are the artifacts glowing?" Samantha asked. The wind howls. "Wait, no, there's people coming outside!" Bella told. They run out of the church. 

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