Hanging over the Precipice

43 7 8

Grand wooden swing -- white flower garlands -- ambrosian vines wrapped on strings
Hanging over the precipice
From heaven's skies; ruminative yet remiss
Pointed foot before me -- eyes shut -- perched in serenity --
Luscious mountain tops surrounding me; evergreen,
Swallowing traffic noise
My head tipped back -- arched in surrendered remedy ---
Relinquished --- unbound ---
Sailing the air ---
High up in the sky ---
Hair cascading in transcendency,
Sweeping cushioned-mistycal clouds with every unmoved to and fro of the air -- a zephyr to the body and mind;

The world -- absolutely still

--- Ink and Wander

Stoicism - 10th poetry collectionWhere stories live. Discover now