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*I gotta tell yal, ilove all of you completely! One of my favorite things about this book is the debates it sparks up in the comments section. Don't ever think you're leaving too long of a comment because I promise I read as well as attempt to respond to them all. I LOVE THEM! It allows me to see yal's perspectives on a lot of thing and kinda draws me in to yal and actually sometimes helps in directing the path of the book. The comments on chapter 41? Baby, I love it, lol.

I made another change and decided, let's just end this now, lol.

Anywhore, enjoy!



Sluggishly walking to the bathroom, I held my stomach over in pain. I was beginning to experience cramps and pain in my lower abdomen. I cried out, clenching my teeth and fisting my hair from the severity of the pain.

I sat on the side of the tub, closest to the toilet, still hunching over in pain. I was experiencing the same effects I had during my miscarriages. The only difference is it was probably ten times worse. I felt my skin get hot and clammy as my head started spinning.

Feeling a lump in my throat I leaned over towards the toilet bowl where I instantly regurgitated. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and looked down and saw that it was full of blood. I sighed, grabbing a towel from the sink, cleaning my hand and mouth.

I stood but everything felt dizzy which caused me to sit back down.

What did I just do?

I honestly can't even answer that myself.

I don't know who I am anymore.

Whose life am I living?

Who's this person consuming my body?

Consuming my mind and soul, who is she?

I couldn't answer truthfully even if I wanted to.

I'm ruined, mentally and emotionally. I've been making the pain and trauma look good for this long, I've started to believe it. Falling for my own foolish facades.

A sharp pain shot through my stomach and back, sending me hunched over in discomfort.

"Ahh!" I cried out as my body fell forward onto the floor. I balled myself up in fetal position as tears began cascading down my face and extreme discomfort washed over my body.

I lie face up flat on my back, clenching my hands to my forehead, scrunching my face from the pain shooting throughout my body. I don't remember a miscarriage feeling this uncomfortable.

This hurtful.

This guilt stricken.

I too deep breaths as I felt the pill taking its toll on me.

Bailing a helpless child out of the evils of this world.

Bailing me out of failing her as a mother.

Bailing our hearts out of love.



"Mommy! Mommy!" Dy'mond ran through the apartment, trying to find Kai, I'm sure to tell her about our day at the zoo.

I went to the kitchen, putting the food we brought home. Some our leftovers, the rest food that would serve as dinner tonight.

I was putting up the few groceries I picked up when I heard a slight whimpering. I peeked down the hall and didn't see anyone, so I closed the refrigerator and walked towards my room where I could see the bathroom light was on.

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