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"What do you say, Baby?"

"Thank you," Dy'Mond smiled brightly as August as he sat her in a booster seat in the booth next to me.

"No problem, lil' mama." He smiled, lightly ruffling her hair but she flinched and he quickly drew his hand back.

I bit my lip as my heart sank in my stomach. I was witnessing her turn into me. Flinching at the slightest touch of every man. How did I allow this to happen?

August sat down across from me and I felt his eyes burning through me as I scanned the menu.

"What?" I looked up at him, twisting my lips.

"Nothing, why you wearing that hood?" He lightly chuckled, sipping his lemonade.

"Oh, nun' it's just kinda' a comfort thing." I lied.

"Oh, I see. You don't need it though. It hides."

"Hides what?"

"Your beauty."

"Beauty?" I looked up from my menu again, feeling myself begin to blush.

"Yeah. Your hair. Your face.Your cheekbones. I needa' go on?" He asked, confidently smirking.

"No, that's enough but thank you." I smiled as the waiter approached our table and asked for our orders.

Both August and I ordered, I was ordering something for Baby and I to share but he kept insisting I get her a plate of her own. I had not choice but to oblige when he ensured me it was fine and he was paying.

I eventually settled on something for her to eat and gave the waiter the order.

I clasped my hands under my chin as I observed August. He has such a beautiful complexion and weirdly his tattoos compliment them all.

My mind began to get clouded with questions and thoughts. I sipped my juice trying to ignore them but they kept bothering me. I had to ask.

"What's your aim?" I blurted out, causing him to look up from his food in confusion.

"What 'chu mean?"

"Like what do you want from me?" I asked, as I cut Dy'mond's burger in fours so it would be easier for her to eat.

"Nothin'." He answered sounding defensive.

"Why you get so defensive? I just asked a question."

"Why I gotta want somethin' from you? I can't be doin' the things my mama raised me to do?"

"I don't know. No." I shrugged. "You don't look like the type to be a nice guy."

"And you don't look like the type to be a bitch but looks deceive, right?"

My jaw dropped and I quickly stood up to get Dy'mond and I out of there but I guess he realized what he said and quickly got up.

"Kai! Wait, wait." He pleaded, lightly touching my shoulder, trying to get me to stay.

He didn't grab me. I turned and looked at him taken aback my his actions.

He knew more than I thought he knew.

"I didn't mean it like that, ma." He softly touched my hand with the most sincere look on his face.

"I just see you need help, and I wanna be the one to help you."


Is Kai being reasonable or too hard on him?

Should August keep trying?

Will she let him help her or will she try to do things on her own as always?

ilove yal! P.Y.T Holitdiiiiiine!

Be blessed.


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