Twenty-Six [Part two]

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*Kai, Dy'mond, AJ & Jayden in the MM.

I was listening to Justine's song Good By Now & that's why this chapter is being added so quickly lol, I got some inspiration!




I held a plastic cup under the running water, bringing it above Dy'mond's shampoo lathered hair, gently water-falling it over her hair. I used my hand to rinse the suds from her hair. I grabbed the comb and ran it through her curls, detangling and getting the rest of the shampoo out.

"Sit up." I instructed, handing her a towel to cover her eyes.

I shut the water off and grabbed the other towel, covering her hair. I wrapped the towel around her hair and picked her up from the counter, carrying her to the living room.

I began moisturizing her hair with a leave-in conditioner, combing it through her hair. Her eyes were intently fixed on the TV as I combed and towel dried her hair.

In the middle of finishing her hair, I heard the door open and looked up to see August walking in. His eyes were fairly low and he looked extremely relaxed.

He cut his eyes at me before throwing his keys down on the side table. Baby quickly darted her head in his direction.

"Hi, AJ!"

"Hey, baby girl. You gettin' ya' hair done?"

"Ya', mommy wash it."

"'Das good, na' you'a be all pretty." He smiled at her and she giggled, turning her attention back to the TV.

I just put my head back down and continued on her hair as he walked to his room.

It's been another four days and the tension between us has not released. It's gotten worse if anything. We've barely spoke two words to each other. We stay out of each other's way and it just works out. He goes to school and work, I go to work and take Baby to Ms.Sharon's house and that's it.

I wanted to take her back to Ms. Etta but both Dy'mond and Ms. Sharon wanted to continue spending time together. Since Ms. Sharon babysits a few other kids during the day it works out. The two really love each other just as much as AJ loves her and I wouldn't be so evil to take away her happiness like that.

As for August and I, it is what it is. We can't have a civilized conversation without going at each other's necks so it's no use. He doesn't want me to leave but he doesn't really act like he wants me to stay. I don't get him and he doesn't get me and that's fine.

I finished Baby's hair and topped up the grease, setting the comb and brush on the table, to move later. I gently lifted her, she had fallen asleep in the process of getting her hair braided. I turned the TV off and carried her to the room, closing the door. I laid her in the bed and tucked her in, kissing her forehead.

"You're my perfect diamond. Mommy will always protect you." I whispered to her before kissing her cheek again.

Stripping out of my clothes I put them in the dirty clothes hamper that was quickly filling, I have to wash tomorrow before work. I grabbed a t-shirt and slipped it on. I rested my body next to Dy'mond's, lying on my back looking at the ceiling.

I felt tears at the back of my eyes thinking about the way things have been recently. I don't really like it and I know Baby doesn't like it, she can sense everything just like with Jayden. The other day she asked me if we didn't like each other anymore and I couldn't look her in the eye or answer because I knew the truth.

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