The Chosen One

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A hand was looking for the alarm then she felt the phone and turned it off

She opened her sapphire blue eyes and got out of her bed

She put on a purple and pink tank top, ripped denim shorts, hoodie around her waist, blue wristwatch, gold stud earrings, gold moon necklace, and brushed her long wild blonde hair with purple tips. She put it up in a ponytail and got her phone

Her name was Skye.

She walked down the stairs

Annabel- "Good morning, Skye!"

Skye- "Hey Mom!"

She sees her stepdad reading the paper

Garth- "Morning!"

Skye- "Morning Garth!"

She gets her backpack

Annabel- "Honey, aren't you going to eat something?"

Skye- "No time, Mom! I'm going to the skate park! I'll eat something over there!"

Annabel- "Alright."

She kisses her daughter's cheek

Annabel- "Now stay safe. Call if something happens."

Skye- "Okay, Mom. I know the drill. Bye Mom! Bye Garth!"

Garth- "See you later!"

Annabel- "Remember your father is going to take you to his house this weekend!"

Skye- "I know, I know. See you guys later!"

She gets out the door and gets her skateboard and puts her earbuds in her ears and put a song on

It has been over two years since her parents got divorced. Her mom remarried and Garth is very nice but she really misses her dad on the weekdays. So he comes over to Brooklyn to bring her to his apartment in Manhattan. It still takes some getting used to but she is used to it

She gets on her skateboard and goes to the skate park

Skye gets to the skate park and goes on the half pipe 

Meanwhile in the trees,

Boy's Voice- "Is that her?"

Gruff Voice- "We don't know that is her!"

Softer Voice- "Come on, Pierce. She looks like what the prophecy says. Violet within her wild hair, eyes as blue as sapphires, and she looks very tough and agile."

Boy's Voice- "Just give her a chance."

Gruff Voice- "(Groans) Fine, fine. We'll see who this girl is."

Boys- "Yes!"

With Skye,

Skye skates on the sidewalk when someone tripped her

Skye- "Ow!"

It was a boy named Julian Prince 

Julian- "Skye, what happened? Your social life let you down?"

His gang laughed with him

Skye (sarcastically)- "Ha Ha Ha. Very funny."

She picks herself up and dusts herself off

Julian- "What do you think you're doing?"

Skye- "Umm... skateboarding?"

Julian- "Well, too bad you can't skate here anymore."

Skye- "What?"

Julian- "Unless you join us."

Skye- "The Shadow Knights? You got to be kidding me. No."

Julian- "Hey Boys. Show this lady her way home."

The boys behind Julian started to get close to Skye but Skye punched them both in the stomach

Julian- "What the...?!"

Skye grabbed his shirt and brought him closer

Skye- "Listen you boneheaded weasel. This is the last time. I will never join your gang even if you were the last people on earth. Now, if you ask me one more time, you'll have to answer to my fist. Capiche?"

Julian- "Okay, okay!"

He goes away and Skye gets her backpack and skateboard

In the trees,

Softer Voice- "Yep. That's definitely her."

Gruff Voice- "Okay, okay. We'll see. But you know, any girl could be her."

Boy's Voice- "You're really not hopeful for this prophesy, are you?"

Gruff Voice- "Nope. Not one bit."

The other boys roll their eyes and watch Skye go back to her house

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