"Is Love Something Humans Care About?"

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In the kitchen,

Aaron- "Skyler, what are these witches of sand? They do not look like any witch I've ever seen."

Skye- "They're sandwiches. Just eat them."

Pierce- "Eat the witches?"

Skye- "No! They are not witches! (Sighs) Okay, just eat."

Milo- "Skye? Are you... annoyed with our questions?"

Skye- "No, Milo. I'm used to you guys. I just get frustrated easily."

Kaden- "Why's that?"

Skye- "(Sighs) I get picked on a lot. Just because my dad is a werewolf. An incident happened when my mom found out my dad was a werewolf and he had to move to Brooklyn to start a new life."

Kaden- "If your father is a werewolf, why are you not one yourself?"

Skye- "My mom is human so I take after her a lot. But everyone thinks I'm some monster who needs to be locked in a cage."

The boys look at each other 

Then Milo hugs Skye

Skye- "Uh... Milo? What are you doing?"

Milo- "I'm sorry, Skye."

Skye- "Heh heh. It's not your fault, Milo."

The other boys join in the hug

Then the dogs came in too

That night,

Skye was laying in her bed 

Milo- "Excuse me? Skye?"

Skye opens her eyes and sees Milo sticking out of the wall

Skye- "Yeah, Milo?"

Milo- "I have a question."

Skye- "Why didn't you ask it earlier?"

Milo- "No reason, really."

Skye- "(Sighs) What's the question?"

Milo- "Oh. This is kind of silly but... is love something humans care about?"

Skye- "Uhhh... I mean, not everyone cares about it. There are still a lot of bad people in the world. But... I mean, humans do care about love. Sometimes it's just hard to show it. Why? Isn't that something you guys care about?"

Milo- "It's not something we're supposed to care about."

Skye sits up and Milo sits by her

Milo- "Say this... random dragon boy likes a human girl. And he can't show it to her. What do you think about that?"

Skye- "Uh... well, I think he should tell her."

Milo- "What?"

Skye- "Yeah. I mean, if he doesn't tell her, he's going to regret it for the rest of his life. But if he does tell her, there will be no secrets between the two of them."

Milo- "Really? Wow."

Skye- "Milo?"

Milo- "Yes, Skye?"

Skye- "Is this "random dragon boy" one of the boys?"

Milo blushed

Milo- "Um... I mean..."

Skye- "(Laughs) Milo, you're a really great friend to the boys. You're so kind and so sweet. You... changed my perspective on the world. Thank you."

Milo blushed and stuttered 

Skye- "(Laughs) Night, Milo."

Suddenly she kissed his cheek 

Milo blushed and looked away from her

Skye- "Oh my god. What did I just do? I'm sorry, Milo."

Milo- "No. I-It's okay. T-Thank you."

Skye blushed and put a strand of her hair behind her ear 

Skye- "I'll see you tomorrow?"

Milo nodded and went back into the wall

Skye blushed and laughed a bit

Skye- "This is the best night of my life."

Celestia jumped on Skye's bed and laid next to her

Skye- "Night Celestia."

In the walls,

Pierce- "Where is Milo?"

Kaden- "I do not know. He may have gone to check on Skye."

Then Milo came in, blushing 

Jasper- "There he is."

Kaden- "Milo, are you alright? You're red as Jasper's hair!"

Jasper- "Hey!"

Milo- "What do human girls do to boys' cheeks?"

Kaden- "Uh..."

Jasper- "Why?"

Milo- "Because... Skye did it to me."

Boys- "WHAT?!"

Skye heard it

Skye- "Boys! Quiet down! I'm going to come right in there if you don't stay quiet!"

Kaden- "Sorry Skyler!"

Then Milo collapsed

Boys- "MILO!"

Skye- "Boys! Quiet!"

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