"This Has To Be A Dream..."

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Pierce burns the window handle and walks in the room

Milo- "Should you have done that, Pierce? I mean, what if there's other humans around?"

Aaron closes his eyes but opens them shorty afterward

Aaron- "There's no one else in the house. It's just us."

Pierce- "Milo, set her down."

Milo set Skye on her bed 

Milo- "Alright."

Aaron- "So what now?"

Pierce- "We may need Jasper and Kaden. They are experts on humans. They could be able to help us communicate with her and tell her she is a very special human."

Milo- "Sounds like a plan."

Aaron- "(Sighs) I'll call them."

He gets his gem around his neck and gently taps on it two times

Then a holographic image showed up 

Jasper- "Hello? Hello?"

Pierce- "Jasper. It's us, Pierce, Milo, and Aaron."

Jasper- "Hello? Hello? How do you work this?"

Kaden- "Oh for the love of... let me do it."

Pierce facepalms

Kaden- "Yes? This is Pierce, Aaron and Milo, correct?"

Milo- "Yes. And... we may have found... her."

Jasper- "Are you serious?"

Aaron- "Yes. We found her and apparently, Pierce knocked her out but she is with us."

Kaden- "Hmm. Well, we may need to see for ourselves. We're coming over right now."

Aaron- "Thank you, Kaden. Thank you, Jasper."

Kaden- "You're welcome."

Then the wall opened a portal and stepped out were two teenage dragons.

Jasper was the taller one with tan-fair skin and red hair and emerald green eyes

Kaden was the more slender one and had fair skin, white hair with a bang almost covering his eye, and bright blue eyes

Pierce- "Thank the gods you two are here."

Jasper- "Where is she?"

Pierce points to the bed and Jasper and Kaden look at her

Kaden- "Well... she does have a bit of dragon in her blood. Wait. Pierce, did you kill her?!"

Aaron- "No. Pierce knocked her out."

Jasper- "Why, may I ask?"

Pierce- "I didn't know what to do!"

Jasper- "(Sighs) Well, how do we wake her up?"

Milo- "I don't know! I don't know about humans or girls!"

Then Skye opened her sapphire blue eyes

Aaron- "She's awake!"

Skye sat up and took out her ponytail and rubbed her eyes

Skye- "Ah... wha-what happened?"

Then she sees the five boys

Skye- "Oh my gosh... there are... five... guys in my room. This... this is just some sick joke. It... it has to be."

She slaps herself 

Skye- "Nope. Not... not a dream. What do you want with me? What is so important?"

Milo- "You."

Skye raised an eyebrow 

Skye- "I'm sorry. What did you say?"

Milo's eyes shrank as he realized what he just said 

Milo- "Sorry, that came out wrong."

Pierce- "(Sighs) If you want something done right, you got to do it yourself. (Clears throat) Human, we come in peace. We just need your help."

Skye- "Okay...?"

Jasper- "What is your name, young lady?"

Skye- "Skye. Skyler Wilson?"

Milo- "Woah. She has two names?"

Skye- "No, no, no. "Skye" is a nickname for my birth name, "Skyler". Everyone calls me Skye."

Boys- "Ohhh."

Kaden- "Anyway, Skye. Look, we don't have much time. We only have seven weeks before a threat attacking our kind comes here."

Skye- "Only seven weeks? You say that like it's a bad thing."

Pierce- "I'll knock her out again."

Jasper- "Patience, Pierce."

Kaden- "What we're trying to say is, we are dragons and you are the chosen one to save our kind."

Skye- "Me? Chosen one?"

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