The Parent Dilemma

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In Skye's house that afternoon,

Skye- "Darn it!"

Jasper- "What did she say?"

Pierce shrugged

Skye- "I forgot! Today is Thursday!"

Kaden- "So?"

Skye- "So I have to go to Brooklyn with my dad! And I need to make sure you guys stay out of trouble! But I can't when I'm miles away!"

Pierce- "What if we come with you?"

Skye- "I'm sorry, what?"

Pierce- "I said, what if we come with you to this "Brooklyn"? We promise to not be seen."

Skye- "(Sighs) Guys, I know you guys want to come and learn more about humans but if my dad suspects that one of you guys is my boyfriend, it will literally be the end of me."

Jasper- "Say the word, and I'll kill him."

Skye- "Jasper! I am not killing my father! (Deep breath) Okay, okay. You guys know magic, right?"

Pierce- "Where have you been?"

Skye- "I see you're catching on to human expressions. I'm just making sure that the legends are true."

Aaron- "Legends?"

Skye- "Well, we have stories called "myths" that include all kinds of animals. For instance, dragons. They are said to know magic."

Milo- "We definitely know magic, Skye!"

Skye- "Can you guys do an invisibility spell or something?"

Kaden- "Yes, we can."

Skye- "Can you use that in the car and you guys can... live in the walls like you do at my other place."

Milo- "Oh, okay!"

Aaron- "We can do that for you."

Skye- "Thank you. Now, I got to go pack."

She goes into her room

Aaron- "Pack?"

The boys shrug

An hour later,

Skye got out of her room

Skye- "Guys? Guys? Guys!"

Milo's Voice- "We're right here, Skye!"

Pierce's Voice- "We have used the invisibility spell like you wanted us to."

Skye- "Okay. Cool but creepy."


Skye- "(Gasp) My dad! Come on!"

She runs outside and locks the door and gets in the passenger seat in her father's car

Damien- "There's my baby."

Skye- "Dad, I'm not much of a kid anymore."

Damien- "I know. But I just love you and you know it."

Skye- "(Sighs) Yes, Dad. I know. And... I'm sorry I couldn't come last weekend."

Damien- "It's alright. You needed to help your mother. But good news is you're staying longer than usual."

Skye- "Really?!"

Damien- "Really."

Skye- "How long?"

Damien- "Today to Tuesday."

Skye- "Yes! Let's go, Dad! I want to see Brooklyn!"

Damien- "Alright, alright. I never take to actually see Brooklyn but I can today."

Skye- "You're the best, Dad!"

In the back of the car,

Pierce's Voice- "Why does she call her father "dad"?"

Jasper's Voice- "Who knows the ways of humans."

But when they left, a shadow swirled around with its white eyes and saw the purple tips Skye had

The shadow looked scared but followed them

That evening,

Skye- "Okay. Let me put my stuff in my room."

Damien- "I'll make dinner."

Skye- "Thanks Dad."

Skye opens the back door

Damien- "Sweetie? What are you doing?"

Skye (nervously)- "Oh! I was just... uh... getting my other bag!"

Damien- "You have another bag?"

Skye- "It's a smaller one."

But the door was open long enough for the boys to get out

Skye (whispering)- "You guys out?"

No answer

Skye- "Okay. They are out."

She shuts the car door and walks up the stairs and goes to an apartment and goes to a room

Skye- "Phew! Okay, guys. You can go live in my walls now."

The boys make themselves visible

Jasper- "That was... brutal."

Kaden- "Don't have to tell me twice."

Pierce- "Are you alright with us staying within your walls?"

Skye- "It's fine. I don't care. As long as no one sees you."

Milo- "Got it, Skye!"

They go in the walls

Skye- "(Sighs) This is my life now. That's fine. Living with five dragon boys and chosen to save their kind. Oh boy. I've been living with them for four days and I still cannot believe it."

She goes downstairs

Then the shadow that was following them, got into Skye's room and went in the walls

Boys (through the wall)- "AAAAAAAH!"

Damien heard their yells

Damien- "Huh. Strange neighbors."

In Skye's room,




In the walls, 

The boys were all laying down on the ground looking tired and weak

Pierce- "The curse..."

Kaden- "It's here."

Milo- "We can't let it find Skye."

Aaron- "Gentlemen, we will figure this out. I believe it is gone."

Jasper- "Nope. I say we didn't kill it."

Aaron- "No one asked you, Jasper!"

Jasper rolls his eyes

Pierce- "Anyway, we cannot let Skyler find out about this. She has enough to deal with us for a start."

Milo- "For once, I agree with Pierce."

Pierce- "Thank you."

Aaron- "We need to watch her at all times so the curse doesn't consume her."

Kaden- "And you know what that means."

Boys- "No biting. Ugh..."

Jasper- "I hate that stupid rule. I say when we get home, attack and demand to throw away that rule. Better yet, burn it."

Boy- "Agreed."

Milo- "I just hope Skye will be alright."

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