Secretly With A Shadow

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Skye woke up and saw her father right by her

Skye- "Oh. Hey Dad. What's going on?"


She sees the five boys

Skye- "Aw crud."

Damien- "Skyler Anna Wilson. Do you care to explain what is going on here?"

"I'm so dead. I'm so dead. Wow. I have been spending way too much time with Milo."  Skye thought

Damien- "Skye! Who are these boys and what are they doing here?"

Skye- "Dad. These are my... friends. Yeah! I met them at the skate park!"

Damien- "Gentlemen, how do you know my daughter?"

Milo- "Um..."

Pierce- "We are friends of Skye. We met about a month ago and we became close friends. My name is Pierce Anshul."

Damien- "Very unusual last name for an American."

Skye- "Oh jeez. This is going to end badly."

Milo- "I'm Milo Branton! I'm the closest to her."

Damien- "Are you really?"

Skye- "Oh gosh. Kill me now."

Jasper- "Jasper. Jasper Dyson."

Kaden- "I'm Kaden Dragos."

Aaron- "(Sighs) I'm Aaron Skali."

Damien- "What are you doing in my apartment?"

Jasper- "We needed some bloodshed."

Damien- "I'm sorry, what?"

Pierce punches Jasper in the arm

Jasper- "Ow!"

Pierce- "What Jasper is trying to say is that... Skye needed some help while you were gone for the afternoon."

Damien- "Skye, I didn't tell you I was going this afternoon."

Skye- "Well... you know me! I suspected. Another hot date with Addison?"

Damien- "What?! No, Skye, honey. It's not that."

Skye- "Yeah. Totally. Dad, I asked the boys over to help me take care of Celestia, Mason, and Jax."

Damien- "Well, I do admit those three are a bit of a handful."

Skye- "You go on your date, have a great time, me and the boys got this."

Damien- "Skye, I'm not going out with Addison. I swear!"

Skye gives her dad a "I know what's going on" look.

Damien- "I'll be back."

He kisses Skye's forehead and leaves and locks the door

Skye and the boys- "Phew!"

Skye- "Guys, I owe you one."

Jasper- "A life?"

Skye- "Jasper! Ugh. Okay, we got to go take care of Celestia, Mason, and Jax."

Pierce- "Um... who are they?"

Skye- "Those are my dogs."

She opens a door and a husky, golden retriever, and Australian Shepard came out, tackled the boys, and started licking them

Skye- "(Laughs) Aw. They like you guys."

Jasper- "I am both amazed and disgusted."

Mason, the golden retriever, licks his face again

Skye laughs really hard

Milo- "(Gasp) You laughed! You really are happy on the inside! Who's the crazy one now?"

Mason licks Jasper's cheek

Jasper- "Still you."

In Skye's room,

The shadow still looks in Skye's things

The shadow closes the drawer and looks around

Shadow- "Where is the source of the power?" 

It keeps on looking throughout the room

Back with Skye and the boys,

Skye- "Wow. Why are you guys suddenly so quiet?"

Milo- "No reason!"

Kaden- "Milo, can we talk to you... in private?"

Milo- "Okay."

They go into the walls 

Skye- "(Sighs) Probably just some dragon problems or something."

In the dragons' base,

Kaden- "Milo! You should have kept this to yourself!"

Milo- "I know but I've been keeping this secret since we've met Skye!"

Jasper- "You take one look at her and suddenly you are crushing on her?"

Milo- "Shut up, Jasper!"

Pierce- "Milo, calm down."

Milo- "Calm down?! You're telling me to calm down?! Have you met yourself?!"

Kaden- "Milo!"

The boys start arguing in a mix of conversations that no human could understand 

Milo- "STOP!"

Boys- "Huh?"

Milo- "I... I like Skye."

Kaden- "We know, Milo. But you know what happens with humans and dragons!"

Jasper- "She's going to kill us. I knew it."

Kaden- "Jasper! Milo, if you're with Skye, you can harness her magic to defeat the curse! Do you know how important this is?"

Milo- "Yes, I know. But... maybe I don't want to harness her magic. I just want her for her."

Skye- "What are you guys talking about?"

The boys started to freak out

Boys- "NOTHING!"

Mason goes up to Jasper and gives him a sly look

Jasper- "Shut up, Dog!"

Skye- "Well, I'm done making lunch. You can come and join me if you want but if you just want to discuss your boy stuff, that's fine with me."

The boys look at each other and go through the walls to the kitchen


The shadow was getting impatient

It kept on looking and looking through all of Skye's things

Shadow- "It has to be somewhere. Or... what if she brings it right to me? It's brilliant!"

The shadow hides in a dark space so Skye couldn't see it

But... this shadow has a really awful idea...

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