So Many Questions!

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Skye- "Okay, boys. If you five are going to stay here, we need to lay off some ground rules."

Milo- "There are rules for the ground?"

Skye- "What the...? No! (Sighs) It means that there are going to be rules here if you all are going to be staying here."

Jasper- "Alright. Go ahead."

Skye- "One, no going into my room! Two, you guys need to hide your horns and your tail..."

Aaron- "Wait. What's wrong with our tails and our horns?"

Skye- "Because people will think you guys are weirdos."

Pierce- "What is this... "weirdos"?"

Skye- "They mean... you know what? Never mind. Okay. So are you going to hide your horns and tail or what? Because if any of my parents saw you guys with horns and tails, they would freak out beyond belief!"

Milo- "Parents?"

Skye- "Parents."

Pierce- "Like... your mother or father?"

Skye- "Yes. Wait, do mean "and"?"

Jasper- "Dragons have either their mother or father. It's very rare to have both."

Skye- "Oh. Well, I have three."

Dragons- "Three?!"

Skye- "Yes. My mom, my stepdad, and my dad. My dad is a werewolf."

Aaron- "Werewolf. I've only heard about those creatures."

Skye- "Anyway... Ahem."

They remembered the deal and they hid their horns and tail

Skye- "Okay, okay. Better. But... we got to get out of those clothes."


Skye- "Aw shoot!"

Annabel- "Skye? Honey? You home?"

Skye- "It's my mom! She's home early! Quick! Hide!"

Boys- "AAAAAH!"

Suddenly go through the wall

Skye- "Okay...?"

She puts her hair in a ponytail again and opens the door

Skye- "Hey Mom."

Annabel- "Skye!"

She kisses her daughter's cheek

Annabel- "I heard yelling! Is everything alright?"

Skye- "Everything's fine, Mom. Probably just the James' kids down the street."

Annabel- "Well, Skye, do you want to help me with dinner? Garth is working late today."

Skye- "Um... okay."

"Oh, boys, I hope you guys are okay with hiding for a little while longer."  Skye thought 

With the boys,

Aaron- "What did we do?"

Pierce- "It could have been a test."

Milo- "Well, she is the chosen one."

Kaden- "I'm just relieved she didn't kill us."

Milo- "Why would she kill us? She may seem strong and rude but I bet inside, she's very nice."

The boys look at Milo weird

Milo- "What?"

Jasper shakes his head, snapping out of it

Jasper- "Well, her mother is here. She must be very powerful. That must be where Skyler got her power."

Pierce- "Well, what do we do? Stay here?"

Milo- "She said that if her "parents" see us, she will kill us!"

Kaden- "We just need to be quiet and we can't let anyone see us."

Back with Skye,

Skye- "Hey. Mom?"

Annabel- "Yes?"

Skye- "Did anything... I don't know, weird happen when you were my age?"

Annabel- "Why?"

Skye- "No reason."

Annabel- "Skye... is there something you're not telling me?"

Skye- "Mom, I'm just dealing with some stuff."

Annabel- "Prince's kid, huh?"

Skye- "How did you know?"

Annabel- "I've known Julian's mom for a long time. They act like they are better than everyone else but don't listen to Julian."

Skye- "But I just want to do something to rub in his face!"

Annabel- "Don't worry. You're my talented, most sweet little girl. Someday, you'll do something great."

Skye- "Thanks Mom."

With the boys, 

Pierce- "Boys, what should we do? We need to make it back to our Dragon Realm with a powerful source of magic to defeat the curse!"

Aaron- "Patience, Pierce."

Kaden- "We'll figure it out soon enough."

Milo- "We're not going to hurt Skye. Right?"

Pierce- "She's important. No way we will hurt her."

Milo- "Oh thank Mother Scales."

Pierce- "We just need to ask her about her power... somehow."

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