Lost friendship or love?

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He ran and hugged you tightly. "I've been waiting for this moment for 9 years.." He said looking me in the eyes. I cupped my hand to his face and smiled wiping his tears away. Little did we know Mina, Denki, and Sero were looking at us. "Denki wiping a tear from his face "That was beautiful." I looked at Denki and glared. 

                                                              ~Time skip~  

The next few weeks me and the gang all hung out more and I became friends with everyone in the class not including the purple pervert. Me and Bakugou's mother Muski got along very well knowing we weren't afraid of the hot-head. About 4 weeks after me and kiri reunited I noticed I had a small crush on the tall spikey haired boy. 

                                                              ~Time skip~ (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ

Kiri had texted me and wanted to see if we could hang out. I thought he meant with the gang but at the end he made it clear it would just him and me, I was perfectly ok with that so my answer was yes. As I asked dad to walk to his house he said yes since it was right down the street. When I got there I knocked and to my surprise his mother opens the door, she looked shocked to she me all grown up. "Y/n? Y/n Yamada is that really you?!" I gave her a soft smile "Hello Ms Zia" (I didn't know his mother's name bare with me here) She came and gave me a hug "Long time no see dear" I hugged her back and I saw kiri walking to the door "Hey Y/n!" Ms Zia looked at my blushing cheeks and smiled. "H-Hey kiri!" I walked with him to his room. "Wanna play video games?" I looked at his playfully large grin. "Sure!" 

We played the games for a few hours and Ms Zia called my father already knowing I'd fall asleep so I could stay the night. When he won the last game he noticed I fell asleep on his shoulder and he picked me up bridle style and placed me on the bed and he got in it with me. He fell asleep running his fingers through my hair. When I woke up I didn't notice that I had been cuddling all night with kirishima. I slowly opened my eyes to find me hugging his chest. My eyes widen and my face turned almost the shade of his hair. I quickly sat up covering my face. "Morning willow" Kiri said sitting up. "I- Holy mother of god!" I said still flustered  

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