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The drive back to their home was quiet. It was relaxing for Emily. The silence made her nerves calm down. The silence was then interrupted by the ringing of her phone. She pulled it out of her purse, and it was her colleague, Dr. Huang.

"Yiren, code blue. It's Ximi." He spoke, his voice shaky. Ximi is a five-year-old boy that she and Dr. Huang have been taking care of since the child was born. The poor thing was born with several heart problems and leukemia.

 "What? His vitals were fine before I left," She replied, frantically. "Drop me off the hospital," She quickly said to the driver, before leaning her back on the seat. 

"I'll be there in ten minutes, wait for me." She said and ended the call.

Dejun on the other hand was looking at the girl, who was panicking. He looked at her with admiration, seeing how passionate she was about her job. She's too good for me, He said to himself, and leaned his head on the seat's headrest.

The driver finally pulled up at the hospital's lobby, at Emily sprinted out of the car, not even bothering to say a word to her husband. "Shall we head home, sir?" The driver asked Dejun, who was scrolling through some emails.

"No, we'll wait for her. Just park the car." He said, not even bothering to look up at the driver.

 "Understood, sir." The driver replied as he drove towards the hospital's parking lot.

Back inside the children's ward, Emily was trying her best to help Ximi. She couldn't help but cry when the poor child flatlined again. "200 Joules, shoot clear." She said, as she held the defibrillator. 

"Pulse is negative," Dr. Huang said, as he held the child's tiny wrist. Ximi, please don't give up on me. Please hold on, She said to herself, as she placed the defibrillator back on the child's chest.

The mother's child was standing there beside the hospital staff, crying. They have been using the defibrillator for almost three minutes now, and the child's response was still negative. Tears fell onto her cheeks when she realized that she couldn't save him anymore.

Dr. Huang held her shoulder, as he looked at his watch. "Time of death, 8:27 pm, Respiratory Arrest," He said, and Emily immediately broke down in tears. The child's mother stood there, crying even louder when her son was pronounced dead.

The drive back home was still quiet, which Emily was thankful for. She wanted to grieve the loss of her long-time patient, Ximi. The driver pulled up to their estate and opened the door for the couple.

The housemaids greeted them as soon as they entered. Emily went straight to their shared bedroom. As soon as she sat down on their bed, her phone rang. It was her mother.

"Hi, ma." She greeted, trying to sound happy. 

"Hi, daughter. Where are you? Do you still have work?" Her mother asked, concerned about the tone of her voice. 

"Just got home from dinner with Dad and Dejun." She answered as she took off her heels.

 "That's nice. So uhm....Your birthday is coming up... Are you coming to celebrate with us?" Her mother replied, sounding hopeful that her daughter would spend her birthday in Paris. 

"Yeah, ma. Yang called me earlier. She replied.

Their bedroom door opened and it revealed her husband, holding a suitcase with him. She glanced at him and proceeded to continue the talk with her mother.

 "So are you bringing Dejun with you?" Her mother asked, which made her uncomfortable. She didn't know how to respond. Dejun and her have never been on good terms. They were 50-50. 

"We'll see, ma. I think he's busy," she replied and yawned.

"Alright, then. You should get some rest. Take care, and love you." 

"Love you too, mama. Bye." She said, and ended the call.

She walked to her dresser and started to remove her jewelry. The room was dead silent until Dejun decided to ask his wife something. 

"When are you flying to France?" He asked her which made the girl scoff. "You don't have to come, I know you're busy." She replied, as she took off her wedding ring, and placed it in her ring holder.

"Your father asked me to. When are you leaving?" He insisted, which made the girl look up at him. 

"Exactly. It sounds like you were forced to do it. I can fly alone," Emily replied, as she stood up from her dresser.

"Maureen," He said, and with that, Emily turned around to look at him.

 "I don't want to argue with you right now. Let me be," She said and left their shared bedroom.

She went to her garden. Gardening was also one of the things she and her mother did back in Germany. She walked through her plants, hoping to make herself calm. 

She sat by the wooden bench, placed right at the very end of the garden. She looked to her left and saw the pot of roses, which played a really big part in her life. She still vividly remembers that day.

It was still there, their names, engraved.

He was my world. My everything. But I guess I wasn't the one meant for him.

Johnny & Emily


a/n: hi guyss!! how are you doing? how do you guys like the book so far? and what do you guys think about johnny being a part of this story?? don't forget to comment and vote <3 stay safe!


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