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It was a hectic evening for Emily. Guests were arriving, and her feet were already hurting from the heels she was wearing. She wore the custom dress her mom made her, which accentuated every curve on her body.

"Miss your father has arrived," The butler said, and she immediately went to the front door to welcome him. 

"Hi, Papa. How are you?" She greeted him. "I'm good bean. Where's Dejun?" 

"He's by the foyer," Emily replied, as they walked side by side.

Dejun turned around only to see his wife and father-in-law walking towards him. He placed his glass of wine down, before greeting him. 

"Good evening, Pa. How are you doing?" Dejun asked.

 "I'm doing good. By the way, I already sent my anniversary gift for you two." Emily's father said as he looked at his watch. "Thank you, Papa."

After some small talk, some of Emily's friends from med school came in. "Emily, wow. You look good!" Stacey, one of her close friends said. 

"Thank you. You came on such short notice," Emily said. "No, it's fine really. I got a break from the hospital even just for a few days,"

"Oh right I forgot to tell you, I'm moving back to Singapore,"

"No way, for real?" Stacey replied, excitement all over her face. 

"Yeah, I am. Dejun and I are moving there,"

With the mention of her husband's name, Stacey's feeling of excitement was suddenly put on a halt.

 "You're going to SGH right?" Stacey asked, in a low tone. "Yeah. Why what's wro-"

"But would your husband want that? You'll be working again in the hospital your ex owns," Stacey said.

 "No, he doesn't mind. We're actually quite civil about it," Emily replied.

After their short conversation, the two were cut off by Dejun. 

"Oh, Stacey. Good evening. Thank you for coming," Dejun said, as he looked at her.

 "Hi, yes. Happy anniversary by the way," Dejun just gave her a small nod.

 "Maureen, your mom, and brother just came in," He said, which made the girl's eyes light up. 

"Excuse me, Stacey. I'll just greet my mom," Emily said, before leaving the girl alone.

"Mama, how are you?" Emily said, as her mother opened her arms for her, wanting a hug from her only daughter. 

"I'm doing good, dearest. How about you?"

"Great, actually,"

"Good evening, Mom. Would you like anything to drink?" Dejun asked her mother-in-law. 

"No, darling, I'm good,"

"We'll be at the living room, you guys. Happy anniversary by the way," Yangyang said, as he guided their mother to the dining room.

Guests continued to arrive one by one as the night goes by. It was until there was someone unwanted came.

"What on earth are you doing here?" Dejun said, his eyebrows furrowed. Emily on the other hand started to sweating profusely, anxiety kicking in.

"Wow, I can't even attend my son's wedding anniversary?"

"Don't call me your son," Dejun harshly said. 

"Maureen, are you alright?" Yangyang said as he noticed that his sister was sweating, and had a hard time breathing. 

As soon as Dejun heard Yangyang's statement, he immediately turned around, only to see his wife clutching her chest, having a hard time breathing.

"Maureen, are you okay?" Dejun worriedly said as he held her arm. 

"Bring me out please," Emily said in a hoarse voice. With that, Dejun immediately guided her to the garden, leaving the living room

"Tch, what a weak woman,"

"I don't know what problem you have with my daughter but you better watch your mouth," Emily's mother said, as she looked at her daughter's mother-in-law.

"Are you alright? Do you want me to bring you to the hospital?" Dejun asked his wife, as he opened the bottled water for her. 

"I'm good. I just had a little... flashback," Emily replied, trying to convince him that nothing was wrong. 

"You should go back in, guests are arriving," Emily replied, as she took a sip of water.

"I can't just leave you here, you nearly collapsed," Dejun insisted, as he took a seat beside her. He ran his fingers through his hair, a habit he does when he feels anxious. 

"Promise, I can manage, you can enjoy you-" Emily couldn't even finish her sentence when he cut him off.

 "I know you're a doctor but at least just let me take care of you. That's my job," Dejun said in frustration.

After the little mishap, Dejun and Emily were finally back inside, mingling with visitors before they take their leave for Singapore. 

"Aiyah, I can't believe it's been two years already, Dejun's father said.

 "Time really flies," Emily's father agreed, and the couple just smiled in front of them.

"Ah, right. Maureen, have you picked the hospital you will be working with?" Emily's father-in-law said, which made her stop. 

"SGH," she replied, as she took a sip of champagne.

"Good choice, dear. But I'm afraid it's a bit far from your home?" Dejun's father said, to which her father agreed to as well. 

"It'll be alright, I can drive her to work every day," Dejun replied, as he placed his arm on her lower back.

It was almost half past midnight when the party wrapped up. Guests already left, which made Emily relieved. 

"Maureen," A voice called her from behind. She hummed in response, as she looked at the stars.

 "About my mother," Dejun hesitantly said. 

"Please, I don't want to talk about her," The girl's mood fell immediately as soon as she heard this.

 "If you're not going to explain what exactly happened then how am I supposed to help you?" Dejun said as he ran his fingers through his hair, frustration inside him building up.

"Your mother has caused me a lot of trauma,"

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