Chapter 04 I Hate Rainy Days But.....

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Resin and Kyra is sitting on grass. Kyra opened her phone and showed something to Resin while laughing hysterically.
"See, that's what happens when people don't know whats good for them" said Kyra with a smug face.
"That was over reacting, so totally uncalled for" Resin replied flatly.
"Well well well, keep your opinion to yourself, thank you very much" sarcastically replied Kyra
"I am just worried about you, msking too many enemies for no real reason. But we both know you are never gonna heed any of my words" Resin thought inside.

Currently the place they are sitting is an open field infront of their classroom. They both are students of "Lombrey Collins" University's Public relations department. The University is a very prestigious one in the whole S city and another great attraction is its beautiful and natural campus area. When someone walks in the roads inside the campus it feels like strolling in the park with frangrance of flower, gentle wind, birds tweeting. The whole atmosphere is enough to sooth one's soul.
But as the saying goes, even heaven feels boring and unattractive when you stay there for too long, after a year it all feels like everyday thing to students.
Back to the conversation now, Kyra and Resin is sitting on grass under some tree shades infront of their department, the tree is of peacock flower and those feiry red flowers covered the whole tree as if its on flames. Occasionally wind blows and some petals from those flowers are floated away by gentle winds. So the ground they both are sitting is also covered with feiry red flower petals.
Resin looks at Kyra for a while, she have worn a snow white Shirt, open hair gently swaying her hair and the contrast between the red background and her is very striking.
Suddenly the view is blocked by a hand swaying infront of him, he finally snapped out of it.
"Hey, what are you looking at and being lost for? Looking like an idiot" thinking what huh? " Kyra asked as her lips are slightly turned upward with a hint of smile.
" Nothing, looking at nothing, see this peacock flowers are so beautiful, but the sky is turning gloomy, we should hurry back" Resin said to Kyra with a half smiling face
"Whats the hurry, we can always run if rain really starts falling down plus there is 30 more minutes to go for another class, sitting in classroom is super boring and those people are super annoying. How about we go buy sone icecream huh? " Kyra said.
"Ice-cream at this hour? Umm, okay lets go" Resin replied while forwarding his hand to support Kyra from the ground they are sitting.
But Kyra didn't take the hand and stand up on her own and started walking, so Resin had no choice but to follow her.
But their luck was probably not so good, half way through the Ice cream shop and it started raining heavily with loud and frequent thunders. And as they forgot their umbrellas in the classroom they had no choice but to run take shelter under a flower shop on the way.
Resin was standing with a solemn expression and Kyra started playing with raindrops.
"Hey whats with this expression huh? You afraid of thunders?" Kyra asked
"Aren't you" replied Resin
"Nope, there is very little things I am afraid of on earth and thunder is not one of them" Kyra didn't look while answering and still playing with rain.
"Enjoying huh? You love rain?" Resin asked whole looking at Kyras face not bids of raindrops felm on her face and created a very soft and alluring atmosphere.
"Nah, I hate rain. Its damp, cold, muddy and kinda makes everything looks dirty. But rain here is good, as this place don't have muds or whatever. How about you?"
"I hate rain too but........." Resin stopped there.
"huh,but?" Kyra finally turned her eyes towards Resin.
Resin suddenly forgot what he was about to say, "I hate rain, but I do love whats infront of me now" Resin thought inwardly.
"Nothing" replied Resin
"You are never completing a sentence, forget it, I am not interested hmp" Kyra replied with a bit of annoyance
Resin was about to say that, its nkt true when his phone rang and someone from class said, professor has come back to take class. So he sighed and looked at Kyra who has a questioning look on her face.
"Lets go, prof came back" Resin replied.

To be continued...........

A Suicidal Ghost's AutobiographyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin