Pretty and Smart

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"Here it is." Said Horizon as they arrived at her room. She opened the door and invites Fuse inside.

"Woah that's a lot of research you got there." Said Fuse

Horizon had a lot off papers strewn around the lab in her room. Along with some mechanical parts lying around.

"I'm sorry for the mess, I've been rather busy." Said Horizon

Fuse noticed Newt on the table.
"Ah here's the bugger that won us the game."
He patted the machine.

Newt flashed his lights green and yellow.

Horizon chuckled, "That means he likes you."

"Why is he on the table?" Fuse asked

"Oh I've been trying to repair a damage circuit he got in the last game." Said Horizon

"Well I'm not the brightest tool in the shed, but I had sparks shoot out of me arm that I had to fix a couple times." Said Fuse

"Oh really how you manage to fix that?" Asked Horizon

Fuse answered, "Usually I just give it a big knock."
He heartily hit his fist on the top of Newt, making the robot get a burst of life.

"Wow. Unorthodox but it works." Said a surprised Horizon
"What I was thinking of doing was to rearrange the (blah blah blah science stuff) and-"

"Hold on there doc." Said Fuse "I told you I wasn't to sharp, just got lucky."

"Oh yeah that's right." Smiled Horizon "I'm sure your smarter than you say."

"I don't think I can really pull off the smart and pretty kind of personality you do." Said Fuse

Horizon could feel her face getting warm when she realized what he had said.
Fuse didn't pay much attention to what he said.

"The pretty part I already got down." Fuse chuckled not noticing the blushing Horizon

"Well I'll get outa your hair." Said Fuse "Thank you for the hospitality."

He exited out the door still not noticing the red haired, red faced lady.

"Wow," she said "Ya hear that Newtie, he called me pretty.

The Robot beeped in happiness.

Just a Couple of S Teir Legends (Fuse X Horizon)Where stories live. Discover now