Tying Back Those Ties

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"It ain't gonna open mate." Fuse told Horizon who was trying to open the door.

"Y'know dearie, you can try to help me open it." Said an annoyed Horizon.

"Nah, it looks like you got it." Fuse said downing a beer with one arm.

He had took his robot arm off and secured it on a workbench to try to fix it.

Fuse was sitting against the wall, he had already given up on fixing his arm.

"Listen, I'll help you with yer arm if you help me with the door." Horizon said

"Nah, I'm rather enjoying our time together." Fuse said sarcastically.

"Ok I get yer mad, but yer being a wee bit rude." Horizon the responded.

"Oh yeah, and never talking to your friends isn't rude." Said Fuse

"You don't know why I did that! So don't go around acting like I'm the one who's being unreasonable!" Shouted Horizon

She stormed to the other side of the room and sat down against the wall.

Fuse was surprised, he hasn't seen Horizon be that angry at someone before.
Fuse looked over and saw that Horizon was silently crying with her head down.

Fuse sighed and got up.
He walked over to Horizon's side of the room and sat down next to her.

"Listen, Uh I'm sorry. Your right I don't know why you did it, I shouldn't have been rude." Fuse told her

Horizon didn't say anything, her head still down on her knees.

"Look, you don't have to tell me why, I'll leave you alone, I'll help you with the door." Fuse said

Fuse tried to get up, but Horizon grabbed his arm making him sink back down.

They didn't say anything for a while.

"About 87 years ago I went into space to get something important." Horizon started, "I made a promise to my boy that I would come home to him safely."

"Newt?" Fuse asked

"His name was Newton."
Horizon said softly looking up at Fuse
"I couldn't keep my promise to him, I had abandoned him, I got trapped in a black hole for 87 years."
She began to shed more tears.

Fuse patted her awkwardly on the back,.
Horizon instead embraced Fuse, wrapping her arms around him crying softly.

"I joined the games so I can keep my promise to him,  but to do that I'll have to abandon the people I met here." She said

"So you thought cutting off ties would make that pain easier?" Fuse tried to understand

Horizon nodded
They stood in an embrace for a while.

She pulled away from him,
"Well then, how about we go fix yer arm." She said smiling and wiping her tears away.

"I'll like that." He said smiling back

"What do you think I should do?" Horizon said while working on Fuse's arm.

"Easy, don't try to avoid yer friends." Said Fuse
"Even if you have to leave us, cutting those ties won't numb the pain, it'll only make it worse."

Horizon looked up at him from her work.
"Y'know yer awfully philosophical for someone who claims not to be smart."

"I lost my friend once," Fuse started, "Mags, she was evil, but she was still my friend."

"Wasn't she that crazy one who tried to Hijack the games?" Horizon asked

"Wellll it was more of a love hate relationship." Fuse explained

Horizon chuckled, than she picked up Fuse's arm.

"Should be working now."

She attached Fuse's arm to his body.
Fuse wiggled his fingers and moved his arm around.

"Haha, thanks Mary." He said

Horizon looked to the side an pushed her hair behind her ears.
"Yer welcome."

She took a deep breath than asked Fuse a question.
"Were you flirting with me when we were in the games?"

Fuse stuttered, "Uhh I-I mean yeah I guess, I Uh guess I did."

Horizon giggled, "Not need to get flustered darling, it was just a question. You called me pretty and smart, I just wanted to know if you... well meant it."

Fuse paused, than he looked into the eyes of the beautiful woman.
"Yeah, I did mean it." He said softly

Horizon leaned closer to Fuse and Fuse did the same.

Than Rampart bursted though the door, scaring the two apart.

"Hahaha hot damn, you two plonkers were trapped in here?" She asked

She let both Horizon and Fuse out and they walked out of the bar.

"Ah, it's so good to be out!" Fuse explained

Horizon laughed, "Well, I'll se you later."

"Yeah, totally." Fuse responded

They walked home both happy that they were out.

(Shiiiiiiit that was a long one.)

Just a Couple of S Teir Legends (Fuse X Horizon)Where stories live. Discover now