Firing Range

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Horizon was at the firing range practicing her shots against the dummy's that were there.
Oddly enough the other legends weren't there.

She started shooting the dummy's with different weapons than she got to some of the marksman weapons.

She shot fine with the other weapons until she got to the 30-30 repeater.
For some reason she was missing the heads of the dummy's and was hitting more body shots than a model photo shoot.
She got a bit frustrated and put down the 30-30 and picked up the G7 again.

"Ahh don't tell me your picking up that trash."

Horizon turned around to see Fuse

"Well not everyone has a knack for it like you do." She said

"Come one mate, all you need is practice." Said Fuse

Horizon picked up the 30-30 again and started to shoot.
Fuse grabbed her arm and she started to blush a little.

"What you want te do is aim slightly upwards cause of the arc of de bullet." He said pulling her arm slightly higher

She tried this and started to hit more headshots.

"Works pretty well." She said smiling

"If that doesn't work you can just get shatter caps and use it as a shotgun." Joked Fuse

Horizon gave a small chuckled and looked down at her hands.

Fuse smiled, "Alright let's try some different guns." He said brushing past Horizon.

Horizon watch him go though some guns.
She started to feel something she hadn't felt in a while.

After a while Horizon decided to leave to do some more research.

"All right just make sure ya don't think to hard." Fuse said than winked at her goodbye

Horizon gave a small wave than left.

"Is he this much of a flirt with everyone?" She thought

As she left the Firing Range she felt her closeness to Fuse grow.

Just a Couple of S Teir Legends (Fuse X Horizon)Where stories live. Discover now