Another Game

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"Well how funny is this?" Fuse asked Horizon
"Two games in a row we gotta fight together."

Fuse and Horizon got grouped together in another Apex game on Olympus.

"You say that like it's a bad thing." Horizon said while picking up crafting materials.

"I'm just saying we should stop embarrassing these kiddies with a two win streak." Said Fuse

Horizon giggled, "Oh dearie, you can't be insulting them like that."

"Yeah I'm right here." Valkyrie interrupted hanging out in the sky, cause she owns it.

"I'm gonna craft some batteries." Horizon said blushing while leaving.

"So what's the deal with you and that red haired chick?" Valkyrie asked

"She just a good mate, just like Houndy." Fuse responded

"Yeah, only a good mate." Smirked Valk

"Don't try to change the subject from you thinking you can drink more than me." Said Fuse

"Aww, did I annoy you." Teased Valkyrie, "I'm just thinking what's the best for you."

"Thanks, I'm touched you care so much." Fuse said sarcastically

"I do care!" Exaggerated Valkyrie "Your like the drunk uncle I never had."

"You make me sound so attractive." Fuse sarcastically said

"Who knows, a woman like her might find that attractive." Valk winked and flew off

Fuse downed the rest of his beer
"Ha yeah, who knows." He joked with himself

Horizon was sitting on the ledge of Hammond Labs fiddling with Newt after her team had won a recent fight.
Fuse sat down on the ledge next to her.

"Here, I found a shatter cap for ya," He said handing the hop up to her, "so you are sticking with the 30-30 eh Mary?"

Horizon looked at him, "Who told you my name."

"That lightning girl did, I tell ya she gotta spark in her."

"She sure does." She said smiling

Fuse smiled
"Anyways I was wondering if you would like to get some dinner after this game."

"I thought you only lived on alcohol." Horizon said

Fuse laughed, "Every once in a while I gotta eat."

"You getting a bit to cocky thinking we are going to get this win." Horizon said

"How bout this, even if we lose, I take you to dinner." Said Fuse

""Ok fine." Horizon said

"You promise?" Fuse asked

Horizon felt her stomach drop a bit.

"On second thought I can't." She said not looking at Fuse

"Oh ok, why the sudden change, am I scaren ya?" Fuse tried to joke

"I just can't, I'm sorry." Horizon muttered

She dropped of the ledge and walked inside Hammond Labs

"What did I do?" Fuse thought

Just a Couple of S Teir Legends (Fuse X Horizon)Where stories live. Discover now