Six: The Breakfast Club

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Warnings: mentions of marijuana, rape, blood and violence

Word Count: 6135

   "What are you thinking about?"

    "H-Huh? What do you mean?"

    "You're smiling for the first time today. What are you thinking about?"



    Apparently, I had slept through all of my alarms because when I awoke the next day, it was almost nine. Cursing aloud, I sprang out of bed and zoomed to my closet, ripping out any clothes I could find. Not having time to pull together something totally retro as per usual, I threw on a maroon hoodie, wedged into blue skinny jeans, and slipped on my white sneakers. I applied deodorant and stuck a piece of gum into my mouth before slinging my backpack on. The school was a fifteen-minute walk from my house. I was going to be so fucking late. I was skipping every other step on my way downstairs when I heard a voice call out to me.

    "Whoa, you're still here?"

    On my right was Jacob, sitting in the living room and watching television. He stood from the couch and slowly approached me with a smirk. "What are you doing here still?"

    "What are you doing here still?"

    "I don't have classes today, Bug," He lightly teased before gently pushing me towards the door. "Let's go before you miss anymore school. Hopefully, you don't get detention."

    "I won't, Jake."

    I did. As soon as I opened the door to my English class, all eyes were on me like a newcoming circus act. Ms Anderson's eyes cut to me the second I stepped in and before I knew it, she was stomping towards me, gently ushering me out of the room with her. When we were alone, she crossed her arms and stared down at me. I felt like a child getting scolded for breaking an expensive vase or something. "(Y/N), this is your fourth tardy this month."

    "I know..."

    "Is there something we need to talk about?"

    There are so many things I need to talk about.

    "No... I just... um... I-It's been a rough few days..."

    "Well, I would let this slide, but I've already broken the rules twice for you. I'm sorry, dear, but I'm going to have to give you detention. Okay?"

    Dammit, Jake... "Okay, fine. Can I just go back to class now?" I sighed. My teacher nodded and opened the door for me. Stepping inside, I was met with the smiles of Dina, Stan and Ricky all directed towards me. I returned the smiles towards my two friends before taking my seat beside Dina. Throughout class, two eyes bore into the back of my head, and I tried my best not to turn and look at who they belonged to. He was catching on. On my way to choir, I heard Ricky calling out to me. He was pushing and shoving past students until he was by my side.

    "Babe, what's been going on with you?" He gently nudged me, but my eyes stayed trained forward. "Oh, so the silent treatment... Are you gonna tell me what I did or am I gonna have to figure it out?" Silence. "Right, okay. I get it. Hey, listen, when you're out of your bitchy mood, make sure to come talk to me." And with that, he turned and walked in the opposite direction. Letting out a breath, I slowed my pace along with the beat of my heart. I never wanted anyone to dictate the way I felt, the way my anxiety sky-rocketed when they were around. But it seemed I was letting Ricky do everything to me.

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