Nine: I'm Yours Tonight

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A/N: Be on the lookout for the sequel, "Deepest Darkest Secret"

Warnings: child abandonment, implication of suicide, very vague smut

Word Count: 2953

    "Do you think Stan's hesitancy to open up to you and tell you the truth about that night could be part of the reason you're here now? Why you're sitting here in front of me?"

    "I didn't do this because of Stan."

    "Did you?"

    "No! I did this because of Brian."

    "Last time, he was your father. Why is he Brian today?"

    "B-Because! Because..."

    "(Y/N), do you wanna talk about the events that led you here?"


    It had been a week since I had spoken to anyone, save for my family. And the police, when they questioned me about Brad's death. I suppose it had been the way everyone grieved, by not speaking to anyone. I know Dina was conflicted, Stan was torn up about Sydney's disappearance. I didn't know how to process anything. I still couldn't really sleep without being reminded of that night. Thankfully, the school closed for half a month to allow everyone their time of healing. Every news broadcast got their hands on our homecoming story. No one really knew what happened or how it happened, but for the time being, they ruled it as an aneurysm. Can you believe that? A fucking aneurysm? I may not have been the biggest fan of Bradley, but I honestly felt angry for him that they ruled his own death, by an explosion, as an aneurysm. But what else could they say? What could have possibly happened to him? There was only one person that seemed to have a hint of an answer, but he lied to the police about it and never explained it to me. Even to this day, I... I still want the explanation.

    Another explanation I had been yearning for was the whereabouts of my dad. For the entire week of silence, I had been trying to contact him. Calling him two to three times a day, sending countless text messages, searching up possible locations. There was absolutely no response. I was worried sick about him. How could I not be? He's my father, my only parent left... I thought the worst. I thought he was hurt or sick or... or dead. Another parent dead without fully understanding how it happened was something I couldn't stomach. So, at the end of the week, when I had enough of zero responses, I sought out help.

    "David?" I approached my uncle, who had been washing dishes. He turned to me and raised his brows in acknowledgement. "I-I've been trying to reach out to my dad and there's nothing. Absolutely no answers. His phone goes straight to voicemail, he won't text me back. I think something's wrong with him. Do you think maybe you could try? Please?"

    He hesitated far too long. "(Y/N)... I-I don't think so."

    "What?! David, he could be dead!"

    "He isn't."

    "How do you know that?! You don't know that! I need you and Pam to at least try!"

    "(Y/N), it won't be necessary." David firmly placed his hands on my shoulders, his eyes staring into mine. His jaw clenched as he tried to keep himself together.

    "Not necessary...? Why? What the hell are you talking about?"

    Soft footsteps padded into the kitchen, causing the both of us to turn to who entered. It was Pam. She was holding that same beige box I found on her dresser with a pained look trembling on her face. "Because of this." She stretched her arms outward, inviting me to open the box. "This is a present from your father."

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