The World According to Big Bird

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Big Bird sat in Central Park like he did most sunny days. He checked his watch every three minutes, not because he had to be somewhere, but just because he liked watching the little hand slowly make its way around. He talked to the ducks near Harlem Meer, since they were all distant relatives of him. 

He went on with his business until he stumbled on this small fair. He smelled the sweet, heavenly smell of cotton candy, and he couldn't resist, so he stepped inside. The games were kind of crappy, but Big Bird took a look around. He was about to walk back to the exit, until something caught his eye. GOLDFISH!! 

Every since Big Bird had left the nest, he wanted a pet of his own. He remembered seeing the little children playing with their puppies and kitties, and the pit inside Big Bird's heart seemed to drop every time he remembered.

He ran over the the booth.

"Hi, can i have the goldfish?" Big Bird heaved, not used to running, "How much is it?"

The booth clerk raised his eyebrow. "Son, you can't just buy the goldfish, you have to win it. And besides, don't you think you are a little bit old to play at the children's fair?"

"Excuse me? You're certainly old enough to be my daddy, sweetie," Big Bird snapped. He was taken aback about what he said, never in his life had he snapped like that.

The book clerk looked taken aback as well, so he stammered, "Uh, ok then, please have a go, knock yourself out."

It took Big Bird three tries until he finally knocked down the pins, winning his prized goldfish. He looked at the bag and decided to name it Henrietta Von Waffle. 

"You have the day to yourself and you decide to go to a children's fair?" Oscar snorted, "I never knew how dull you were. Big Bird, each day you surprise me."

"Come on, Oscar! I know you are just sad you didn't win a goldfish, I mean look at Henrietta! She's gorgeous!" Said Big Bird, shoving the bowl into Oscar's face.

"Pfft, I don't need a pet, something to take care of, someone who depends on you, someone to love, it's just a waste of time."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2021 ⏰

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