Cocaine for the Child

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Present Day

Oscar walked in a daze in the rain as he plodded down an alley way with a can of beer in a paper bag in his hand. Breathless, he clenched onto a wall to try keep his balance, his grip loosened and he seemed to inch down the brick wall. His eyes could barely keep open and his hands seemed to become limp. 

"Oh fuck, I knew that wasn't good acid," Oscar mumbled to himself, "really smart Oscar."

Oscar's Dream 

He closed his eyes and his imagination was unleashed. He saw his mother and father in the kitchen. His mother was taking out plates from the cupboard and then slamming them onto the counter top. His father just watched, a look of helplessness seemed to take over him.

"Please, Diane, I bet you we can talk this out. Please listen to me," his father whimpered.

"You know what, Todd? I have had enough of all this bullshit," Oscar's mother said, clearly agitated, "let's face it: I am not a good wife and never was, and you aren't that good of a husband. I can't fucking can't take care of Oscar. I need to be free, because it frightens me thinking I'll be a mother and a wife forever and ever, because I don't think that's what I ever really wanted. So that is why I am leaving you in 15 minutes"

Oscar's father looked shocked, he slowly sunk into his TV chair, and just stared ahead of him. A tear edged out of the corner of his eye, as well as a weak, put-on smile.

"Alright, Diane, thank you for the memories, I hope you have a great day, week, month, year, or whatever, I hope you find happiness, even if that meant bringing down my world and your son's world," Todd hissed.

A car honked outside of the house, Oscar's mother searched for her packed bags and made her way toward the door.

"Mommy? Where are you going?" A young Oscar asked from the top of the stairs.

Diane looked up, she smiled, and then cooed, "Mommy needs to go for a while, and maybe she will come back. Will you be a good boy for a while and brush your teeth while I'm gone?"

"Yes, mommy," Oscar replied, "I love you."

Oscar's mother left and locked the house door.

Oscar ran downstairs into his father's arms, he could feel his father lightly shaking in his embrace. His father hugged him so tight that Oscar thought he would never be free.

"Do you want to go for a walk with Daddy, Oscar?"


Oscar and Todd went into the city. Oscar never really went to the city, since the crowdedness always made his mother nauseous. Oscar and his father went down dark alleys that smelled like piss and other smells Oscar was not familiar of. He saw a mongrel eat what looked like bones from a cat, Oscar shuddered at the thought. His father gripped Oscar's hand so tightly when they had to walk around strangers. Finally they came to a stop at the dead end of a warehouse complex. A man dressed in all black stood in the corner, lighting a cigarette. He limped towards Oscar's father and fist bumped him.

"Ay Todd, I got your goods but who's the kid?" The man in black coughed. His breath smelled like hard liquor.

"I couldn't leave my son at home since Diane had to go," Todd stammered, "out of town for a while."

The man in black raised an eyebrow, "Alright, but he's gonna keep his mouth shut, right?"

"Yes, he's only 5, he doesn't know what this is or anything."

"Sure, my man, let me get your stuff then I have to go," said the man in black as he head back to his black, old, sedan. He came back with a large brown paper bag and peeped back in to double check something and then he left abruptly.

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