The Proposal

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It was a nice sunny day in Sesame Street, New York. Children were at play and adults were trying to keep sane until the workday was done. Although for the majority of New York City's residents it was a normal day, for Bert and Ernie it wasn't. In fact, it was a day neither would probably ever forget. 

It started with Bert and Ernie watching their favorite horror movie (which starred Bert's sister's husband's half brother's best friend, Chucky), Child's Play. Ernie was eying at Bert, who was glued to the TV with anticipation, although he knew what was going to happen next. Ernie was fidgeting with something in his pocket, a small, velvet-covered box, which encased an engagement ring. When the lady in the movie fell out of the window to her death, Bert sighed with relief.

"Ah, that gets me every time! I always expect it, but at the same time I don't!"

Ernie switched off the television, which Bert didn't seem to happy about. Ernie sighed, and closed his eyes. You can do this, he told himself, you need to, you love him

"Bert, I love you."

"I am aware of that, and I love you too."

"Bert- I'm serious, I don't think I can live a day without knowing that we won't be together forever. I'm afraid that one day, we'll break up and- and-" 

Ernie's voice faltered from trying to keep in the tears. That is when Bert realized what was about to happen, and his eyes softened and he held onto Ernie's clammy hands.

"Darling, it is impossible that we will ever separate, our love and our mutual respect for each other is too strong to break the bonds, so we will always be together, until the very end."

That is when the ball in Ernie's throat tied another knot, but he knew he must ask the question.

"Alright, if that is so, Bert, please, please, please, marry me, because I love the way how you get so nervous when you've seen a movie millions of times, I love it when you laugh, I love it when you cry, I just love you, Bert, I love everything about you. So, will you marry me?"

Bert sighed, it was about time this little mother fucker asked

"Well, Ernie, I suppose I could, because I need some more content for my autobiography coming out. But all jokes aside, Ernie, I love you so much and I don't think I could ever possibly say no. So, yes, yes yes!"

Ernie sighed with relief. The two hugged and kissed like they never did before. Bert played with the collar of Ernie's shirt and kissed him harder. Ernie took this as a sign and broke away at first. 

"I can't believe this is happening," he whispered.

"I know," Bert hissed back.

They went back to embracing, which carried on until both were tired and content.

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