Chapter VI

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The music pounds in my head. The lights flash in my eyes. It's almost overstimulating.
"Right here! Sit down!" I sit down in a leather chair next to my father. Connor sits on his other side. A scantily clad woman comes up to us with a tray.
"Here's your order Mr. Sims." She winks at him as she walks away. I analyze the tray. It's got a bottle of whiskey, some white powder, and some pills on it. My dad pulls out money and hands it to me.
"For the girls."
I'm confused until another woman walks by with money sticking out of her thong. Her breasts are perky and bouncy. My dad uses a razor blade to push the powder into little lines. I watch as he uses a rolled up hundred dollar bill to breathe the powder into his nose. He lets out a long sigh as he leans back up. He hands me the bill.
"Go on, you'll be fine. It'll take the edge off the pain." He gestures to my arm. Funny. I completely forgot about it. It doesn't hurt at all.   What the hell? This may be the last time I can be with my dad. I might as well celebrate.
I re-roll the bill tightly before putting it in my nostril. I snort the entire line in one breath. Immediately my nose starts running. I tip my head back so that I don't sneeze. I notice my throat start to numb slightly. I laugh at the sudden change. I pour a drink of the whisky and relax. The speaker announces the ladies and I watch as they do a routine on the stage. I watch as they slide the shiny gold jackets off their bodies revealing their busts. I glance over at my dad to see him watching me.
"You get to pick one." He grins at me.
I laugh as I look back at the females. My father leans toward me, so I look back at him. He places a pill on my tongue. I'm surprised by his actions, but I just feel like laughing. I swallow the pill and chase it with whiskey. I notice my arm starting to feel uncomfortable. I feel as if I had been in this cast forever.
The girls end their dance and move through the club freely. I set my hand on the armrest and feel the nice leather texture. The colors of the lights seem so much more brilliant than before. I feel a hand touch my shoulder. I look to see a caramel colored woman wearing a silver g-string and silver nipple stickers.
"Hey darlin, can I do anything for ya?" I stand up and lean close to her. I glance from her lips to her eyes.
"Thanks for the offer..." I slide a fifty into her waistband. "But I think I'm good for right now." She smiles at the money.
"Suit yourself sugar." She sashays away. I hear my dad start hollering and look over to see him getting a lap dance. I crack up laughing. I walk to the bar to order a different drink and notice a girl working behind the counter. I give her a soft smile as I sit down. She smiles and turns away. She comes toward me with a notepad.
Her green eyes shine in the multicolored lights.
"What can I get you?" I smirk.
"Rum and coke. Make it a double." I watch as she grabs the bottle.
"So why are you working here?" I ask her. She smiles, but remains quiet. "Okay, different question. Why are you not practically naked like the other girls?"
"I prefer to keep my clothes on." I feel the smirk on my face. These drugs make me feel like I'm dreaming.
"The look on your face doesn't say that." She mocks offense. My smile remains. She hands me my drink.
"I'm into a very particular type." I pretend to be hurt.
"Not this?" I slide the tank top over my head revealing my hard abs and V-Line. I notice her bite her lip.
"Maybe. Maybe not." I take a drink.
"Oh come on, just admit it! You want me." She scoffs and I laugh.
"You're so smooth." I slide my hand across the bar. "Like sand paper." She slaps my hand away.
"You know I got some candy over there if you want one." She cringes.
"Sorry mate, I only smoke weed now." She bends down to pick up a rag that fell off the counter. I feel my pants getting tighter.
"When do you get off work?" She watches me.
"In a few minutes. Why?" She leans against the counter.
"Because your coming to my place."
"Why would I go there?"
"Cause that's where I'll be." Damn! I don't miss a beat! She stares me down for a moment.
"Let me grab my purse."
Haha! I win.

We step out of the taxi laughing. I enter the front door and turn to her.
"I guess this is where we say goodbye." She shoves me playfully because of my words.
"Get out of the way dork!" I watch as she enters the apartment. She surveys the area.
"So this is your place huh? Needs a woman's touch."

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