Stream cuddles [fluff]

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M/n sighs before walking back out to give out the drinks, he walks over to the table seeing two girls looking at him, m/n sighs before giving them their drinks quickly not wanting to talk to both girls, he was about  to walk away before one of the girls say "so what's your name" she smiles, m/n sighs "its m/n" m/n forcefully smiles not wanting to come off as rude "i like your h/c hair, its suits you" the other girl calls out.

"Well m/n, wanna hang out with us after your shift" she smiles putting her hands on top of m/n's, m/n pulled away putting his hands on his sides playing with his strings on the back of his apron "sorry but after my shift i'm hanging out with my boyfriend" m/n walks away quickly.

After shift

Once m/n was done working he grabbed his things, walking out of the cafe before walking back to his and corpses apartment, he was half way back before it started raining, m/n sighs before running the rest of the way.

He saw the building they lived in, it was nothing too special about the plain brick building with lots of windows, he grabbed the door, walking up the stairs to the apartment. m/n saw their neighbour, Karl m/n didn't know much about the brunette but they worked at the same cafe m/n waved before walking past him.

m/n walked in and it was 8pm, and he got off at 7 not bad m/n thought to himself, m/n slipped off my shoes at the door before walking to me and corpses shared room. The h/c male looked through the drawers and found a corpse hoodie and one of corpses shorts. He grabbed some underwear.

m/n walked into the washroom and started up the shower. After checking the temperature, he took off my clothes then stepped in the shower. Corpse was yelling from his recording room and m/n smiled, chuckling.

After h/c male was done with showering, he stepped out, drying himself off, putting on the clothes before walking out, He went into the kitchen grabbing a water bottle and cutting half a cucumber and walking to corpses recording room.

slowly opened the door revealing corpse sitting on his chair playing among us with his friends. m/n walked up to him throwing my arms around his shoulder playing with his curly hair, corpse muted in his stream and in discord before turning around.

"Oh hey (m/n), when did you get back?" corpse asked, kissing him "like maybe half an hour ago" m/n walked around the chair sitting on his lap leaning back on corpse, he kissed his forehead before unmuting.

"I'm back chat" corpse says before opening among us again, after playing for a bit a body was found, corpse looked down seeing m/n on his phone texting someone. Corpse was too busy trying to find out who he was texting, he didn't hear Jack yelling at him.

"CORPSE" he yelled again, corpse finches before unmuting "yeah what is it" corpse says leaning back in his chair "i asked where were you when you body was reported" he asks "I was in reactor" he replies, zoning out looking at m/n, m/n looked at corpse before smiling and kissing him "your still playing" m/n points out, before putting both of his feet on the other side of corpse.

After a little bit of playing among us

Corpse was not the only one getting tired, it was now 10pm and m/n was half asleep still on top of the black haired male, they were both just half asleep. Corpse jolted, remembering hes still streaming, he looked over at the male on top of him, smiling at the boy.

He tried playing the game but he was just really tired, he walked around doing his tasks before he was killed by jack, he didn't really care, he just went back to playing with m/n's hair trying to stay up, he was zoned out the rest of the game and once the game was done "hey guys i'm going to go now i'm tired" corpse yawns, he didn't really listen to what anyone said.

"Going to end it now, i'm tired" corpse ended his stream closing everything and turning off his pc and monitor, he picked up the male walking out of the room and into their room, he put him down taking off his shirt and pants and putting on some shorts and a white t-shirt.

He got into bed holding him close before drifting off to sleep.

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Sorry the ending was kinda rushed, I did this under 20 minutes

Corpse Husband x !Male Reader OneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora