
2.7K 30 6

The Q&A is now closed! No more questions will be answered until I will do another one.

The next time I will answer litrally everything, no matter what itr might be.

Now then, to the questions:

1. "Just curious how did you get the idea for the stand" by Jasongrowls

Well, the idea was first just some random joke.. I generated a random Stand via a website that had the abilities of Reality Rebirth yet had a diffrent name. The name itself really does come from the Rebirth Osho Tarrot card. Me and my family were celebrating someone their birthday and we each pulled one card as a little fun activity and that was the one i got. The moment I saw that card I relized that it acually connects to the ability my Stand has and the rest is history. Still got no clear idea for the looks.

2. How much time to you Pre-write the chapters? by CommonTroller

Well, at first it took me a month for each chapter, but now it takes me a total of one week. I can do it within a few hours llike I did the last chapter, but that was a bit rushed for all of you readers.

3. Wants some cookies and milk and also how's life🍪🍪🍪🍪🥛🥛🥛by MarcMorning01

I would like some milk and cookies thanks. And life isn't so great but I manage. Just finished high school so that's nice.

4. Do you have a schedule of when to write chapters? by RenSolZ

Not really. Up until last week I was in the last year of school so I just wrote whenever i could and wanted to. Now I acually hve a few weeks that I'll be doing mostly nothing so I plan to write more. Maybe in the future I will have a schedule.

5. Favorite food? by smg46684

My mom's gluten free pizza.

6. Im attempting to write a story of my own do you have any advice? by Robcartree

First of all, sorry it took me some time to answer this. As for advice, I started writing based of an idea I had. I was reading some stories and decided to do my own. I am writing stories based around anime and other stuff that I liked and I try to add in my own additions and changes that I see fit. I will tell you to first have an idea you find good and then try to make it your own with the right changes. Once you did that, make sure to keep the story going until you are either bored of writing it or that you completed it. If you have your own original idea for a story, try to see if your plot has been made already. If not than start writing.

Speaking of, I have my own Original story in the making. I'll see when I'll start to publishit here.

Whenever you started writing, please do ssend me a link. I would really love to read it as well.

If you are getting a request and you like it, keep in touch with the one who gave you the idea so the story will also be connected to him. Don't make him write but if you need to make a harddecision than use his help.

7. Favorite thing to do expect for Wattpad? by DarkLordMarkaBane

Well, I played Rugby for eight years now and I enjow it quite a bit.

8. I got nothing...Hope you are doing well though by SageofSixSimps

As I said before, I am not doing 100% but I am still alive and walking. Soem things did happen but I am managing to deal with it. Thanks for asking.

9. Is Y/N mentally ok?! I'm worried by bully1maguire

First of all, I love that your username has bully in it because (Y/N)m was bullied as you saw. As for your question. I can't say. It is up to me to decided and you will find out during the future of the story.

Well, those were all of teh questions.

Now for a question of my own. What do you guys want for a 25k reads celebration? Any suggestions are welcomed.

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