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Luna's POV

'' where is that coward sister l have'' l said with a smile, trust me, l don't like her. '' she said she is going to go to a sleepover at her friends house'' Justin said. She is a runner just like her mother. '' ohh really, she is a coward just like her mother'' l said with venom. What did l expect?

That she would have changed.

A voice said at the back of my mind.

OHH shut up.

l said.

You know that I am right.

I just mentally groaned. My subconscious is a real pain in the a*s. l just looked at them. '' l am tired. l would like to go to sleep now'' l said kind of annoyed. My moods, l did not like how they were looking at me. What l said was true though. '' don't you want supper'' Kobe asked. '' no'' l said. Did l ever tell you that l am not really friendly when l am sleepy and when l am hungry, but right now l am not hungry.

''okay follow me then'' Kobe said with a smile. l only nodded. l followed him and my room was okay. lt had walls which were black and a big tv platform. It was okay and also had a bathroom and toilet. l loved it, it was big and comfy. ''hope you like your new room'' Kobe said. l only nodded then closed the door in his face. What did he want, a good night kiss???

Well he is wrong l do not do that sh*t. l fell on my bed and it was so soft, l let the darkness take over my body and soul. l loved how it felt.


'Luna can you please and come get us'' Lucia said with a slurry voice. l was worried, so l just got up and called an uber as she had texted me the address. l looked for her and found her with LIAM, KENNEDY AND SAMANTHA. '' Lets go you guys'' l said as l pulled all of them. Liam was sixteen and had a car. '' here are the keys little girl'' he slurred his words. They all smelled like sweat and weed.

l learnt to drive with Marcus. l turned on the engine and started to drive. They all started to smoke and it was affecting me. '' can you guys please stop'' l said while driving. Kennedy started pulling my hair trying to get to the front sit, to get something in the dashboard. l opened it and saw drugs and l immediately closed it but then it was too late, they started to get wild and l tried to make them stop . Without even noticing that the car was out of control and tried to make it stop but then it did not.

lt got into the bridge and kept on going and the car fell into the water. l took Lucia out, l also took Kennedy out and was left with Liam. He was big and a little heavy for me but then l took him out. l tried the CPR and it did not work. Soon people came and called the ambulance and police.

They also called the parents. ''how did it happen, how do you mean that you were driving Luna'' mom said with disappointment. '' She called me'' l said. But then she did not believe me...

'' l am sorry but Liam SIMPSON went into a coma. We don't know if he will survive this'' the doctor said. After a while the doctor came out with pity and sympathy. '' l am sorry but he could not make it'' he said. l felt a sting on my face. '' you murderer'' mother said with venom. '' l did not kill him. l did not'' l said shaking my head and my hands shivering with fear.

l looked at everyone and saw hate. '' l did not do it'' l kept on saying again and again...

l woke up with cold sweat on my body and clothes. l felt numb really. l just got up and checked the time and it was 2.51 am in the morning. l just got up and went for a run. l kept on running. It was kind of cold but then l felt nothing. l kept on running.

You murderer

Mother's words played in my head. l kept on running until l got to a gym. l just got inside, it was open for 24/7. l punched the punching again and again as l saw all of their eyes hate and anger. l punched it till my knuckles were bleeding, my shoulders and legs tired and hurting. This was only a reminder that l should be stronger.

After all, the cold and heartless once cared before. lt fell to the ground, l felt satisfied and then took it to the store room where others where kept. l took another one and then got out with it. '' you are good. I would like to know your name'' he said. l looked behind me and saw his face. ''Luna, my name is Luna'' l said. '' l am Cullen and impressed with your moves'' he said. '' thanks, l am just about to go'' l said. '' sure thing are you coming tomorrow'' he asked. '' l will see'' l said with a smirk. '' same time'' he asked. '' yea'' l said.

l know him, he trains mafia heirs and gets paid a lot of cash. His first kill was when he was ten, he was a killing machine, still is. Marcus used to talk about him all the time and he is so interesting. l miss Marcus, l last saw him a year ago when he came to see me in juvie to say good bye because he was going to lay low for some time. l really do miss that guy.

l ran home as fast as l could. In the blink of an eye l was at the door step. l got inside and everyone was still sleeping. l got inside and made sure to be quiet. l went to my room and checked the time. It was 7.05am wow they surely do sleep. l took a cold bath, really bring me back to earth. l bathed and it felt so good.

l did my hair and everything. READY TO START MY NEW DAY...

THE OTHER ARCCARDI SISTER (the Italian Mafia Siblings Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now