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Luna' s POV

I got downstairs and saw that my brothers were awake and shirtless, l would not say they looked bad. They were okay. ''morning people'' l said with a stern voice. l was happy really. l took some pancakes, eggs and black tea. I like my black coffee with no sugar and strong, love it like that. l ate my food in silence and fast.


TO: lunawilliam34@gmail.com

Gal hey, l arrived at l am at the RUSSIAN mafia area with Mr TIMSON and his Wife. Hope you are going to come soon so that we can go and check the company and little ALLESIA AND UVALDO, she says she misses you.



l only smiled at the thought of meeting my family. My little baby, l love her so so much. Yes, l am a mother and it was a little mistake l did with him. I know you want to know his name but then you will soon know later, l do not really like talking about him and yes she is a secret. l forgot to tell you l was supposed to be in juvie but l was out living with papa as in Mr Timson. He is a father figure to me, he got remarried this year to this other lady. She is nice and l like her.

They see me as their daughter.


I will come in a few minutes. Tell them l miss them too.

From lunawilliam34@gmail.com

'' can you give me car keys, l want to go out'' l asked with an emotionless face. '' where are you going'' Logan asked with a voice full of authority and power. '' out'' l said. '' but where exactly'' Justin said. '' that's for me to know and for you to find out'' l said with an annoyed voice.

''adios'' l said as l left. l took the lambogini that was there. l drove and got there. l saw Sean. l hugged him, '' l missed you buddie'' l said with a smile. '' missed you more'' he said. '' where is dad'' l asked with a little happiness. '' he is in his office with his favorite granddaughter and grandson'' he said. '' and Mary'' l asked. Mary is Timson's wife.

l almost forgot to tell you l have a son. They are twins and Allesia is the oldest but then they will both share my wealth with me. l will and still treat them in the same way. They are my babies, they are more safer here. '' pa'' l called him as l hugged him. '' l missed you very much '' l said hugging him.

'' my bambina'' he said with a smile plastered on his face. '' so how are you? Uvaldo started to walk you know and Allesia can now kind of talk sometimes, they are so smart just like you'' he said pinching my cheek. '' ohh pa, you will never change'' l said. '' ma'' l heard a baby voice say. l looked at their crib.

''baby, l missed you'' l said to Uvaldo as l carried him in my hands kissing him. l saw Allesia shifting in her sleep like she felt her twin gone. l only felt one cry and it was Allesia. l carried her. '' sh sh sh ma is here my babies'' l said kissing them. ''l think l will be going out with them. l want to buy them some clothes, l miss them too it had been a week without seeing them, you know''l said to dad.

'' sure thing just be back in one piece all of them and have some dinner, l am sure Mary will be back from work'' pa said. l nodded and gave him a hug and then left with my babies in a car l got from one of my cars. lt was safe for children. l put them in their baby seats and gave them their milk bottles.

lt had just been a few minutes and we had reached the mall. l went through all baby stores with toys and clothes. lt was okay fair prices, the material was original because l know the difference. You might be wondering what my company is about.

lt is about fashion and jewelry. l started it with the help of Timson, to tell you the truth he has done a lot for me. l finished their shopping spree and then left, l did not give them food because l want them to eat what Mary has prepared for us and they have been crying for more than an hour. l gave up, l gave them food, as in bottled milk.

l stopped giving them breast milk three months ago but always give them sometimes. By the time l had arrived the twins were sleeping. l put them into their crib. l went to the kitchen where l saw Mary cooking while dancing like no one is watching. l clapped my hands to gain her attention. '' ohh Luna you are here already'' she said hugging me.

l hugged her back. '' l missed you more'' l said smiling. These guys are the only ones l can smile to without faking it. ''come and help me dish up food for you guys'' she said. l helped but at the same time was tempted to taste because the food was mouth watering. l love my food like l love my dick(man).

l called everyone excluding my babies because they were sleeping. Those guys love sleep mostly Uvaldo. Food was dished and we all engaged in the same conversion and it was so nice. Timson and Sean were always cracking up jokes and l had so much fun there. lt is really sad that l had to go back to a place l should call home.

l went to the twins' nursery and saw them sleeping. l kissed them and then took a picture of them. They looked so cute, Allesia was cuddling on top of Uvaldo. lt was so cute. l felt a tear slip from my eyes. l miss them, l want to take them with but then it is not safe. l wiped it and then left their room.

l bid my good byes to pa and Mary. l took the car l left with in the morning. l drove home and was listening to 'YOU AIN'T WORTH IT' by 6lack and Meli. lt was n maximum and l sang along. l love this song. l was driving recklessly. l was having fun. ln a few minutes l reached home. l got inside and saw my sister and the boys eating. l felt anger, it wasn't jealousy or anything but anger.

l feel anger even by just seeing her face. l hate her. Truly l do, l was about to go upstairs but then l was stopped by Bill. '' Logan wants you to eat dinner with us and wants to talk to you about something after eating'' Justin said. '' l am not hungry'' l said. '' we never said you were'' Ben said. l am already angry right not. '' don't test me. l will come after all of you eat'' l said taking more steps to my room wen l felt a hand by my wrist.

l looked at him, and he flinched. ''it was an order'' Kobe said. Oh really...

l took my earphones and put them in and watched them all eating intensely that some of them where choking. '' hi Luna, l missed you'' Lucia said with a smile. l ignored her. She missed me, all bullshit.

THE OTHER ARCCARDI SISTER (the Italian Mafia Siblings Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now