03 : To The Library!

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[ Door To You ]

What do humans eat?

I asked myself as I walked along the aisle, my eyes wavering in search for something edible for that human boy. He did say meats or just a simple snack would be good enough. Mushroom chips? Um, no that might be poisonous for him. Is Potato chips edible for him?

I reached out and took a few packets of Potato chips and retraced my steps towards the fashier but a few voices spoke from the aisle behind me stopped me.

"Don't you smell a weird scent?"

"It smells different than to our pixie smells."

"You know what, we're gonna be late. Maybe it is the rubbish from the back. Come on, let's go."

"But— Fine,"

I smelled myself upon their conversation with each other and indeed, instead of my fairy smell, the smell of that human is now with me. "Urgh," I brought my nose back and sniffed the air as I wasn't familiar to the human smell.

If I go the fashier, he will get the scent from me quickly. Shit, where are the perfumes at? I scurried to find the perfume shelf. As soon as my eyes caught the little bottles, I searched for the one which was for fairies and elves. One for me and one for that human to avoid suspicions. I took the fairy one and sprayed it on me and began walking to the fashier.

"Hey fellow fairy!" He greeted as he grabbed my things. I smiled and nodded a little as I waited for him to finish scanning. "3 Potato chips and 2 perfumes. Is that it?" He asked and I nodded again.

A few minutes after I bought it, I quickly went out with a sigh. Instantly, I started dashing through the field to my treehouse. I wonder what trouble will he be up to right now.

[ Time Skip ]

I climbed the stairs and entered the treehouse with a loud thud. The human before me whimpered as his head whipped towards me, eyes staring at me with fear. He was standing and looking out the window towards the opposite side from where I ran.

"Don't worry, human. It's me." I breathed and sat down crossed-legged. He too, did the same and stared at me with his eyes collected now. "So, we have a problem." I began but before I did, I tossed the packet of Potato Chips towards him. He mumbled a soft 'thanks' and started to munch on it. I looked at him and started.

"I realized that you have a smell," His eyes widened in alarm as he sniffed himself but I calmed him down. "It's nothing smelly and bad but the others would be able to smell, especially if it is a breath fairy. Breath fairies has the abilities to smell and give off nice smells. They can't differentiate smells if you are covered in the perfume which I bought for you unless if we don't meet a male breath fairy." I said, showing him the little bottle. "So, carry it with you. The perfume's smell lasts for 12 hours. Reminder, please remember to spray it on you when we go out or anywhere." He nodded and took the bottle and kept it.

I exhaled and inhaled, leaning against the wooden wall. The human was silently feeding himself at the corner. Now what am I supposed to do? Oh, god.

I started to think. What would I now do? I know nothing about humans. If only I could get a book about them... My eyes widened when a sudden realization washed over me. The library!

I smiled a little and eyed the human. "Human, get ready. We need to go. Wear the outfit and perfume and meet me down." After saying that, I jumped down, unable to hear what he said.

A few minutes passed as I stood impatiently. "Yo human! You done?"

A hand came out from the door, signaling me to wait. I sighed and rolled my eyes and stared ahead. Time to go to the library!

jsjs sorry for the late update!
also, i added titles to the chapters

fyi; fashier isn't a spelling mistake.
fashier is the fairy term of cashier.
i clearly made it up because i'm the
author and i decide-

anyway, hope you enjoyed reading!

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