08 : Silly Little Human

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[ Door To You ]
Huening Kai's POV

I sat on the ground, outside the tent with my legs folded whilst Y/N was inside, peacefully sleeping. A sigh left my lips as I held the four leaf clover carefully, examining it. My grandma's words played in my head like a broken record as I stared at the green colored, four-leaved plant.

"Make a wish, my boy and hope for the day your wish will come true."

Her fragile yet beautiful, calming voice told me. The image of my younger self and my grandma standing behind me faded in my head, the way she delicately held my hand that was holding a 4 leaf clover.

A shiver came across me and I felt tears surrounding itself at the rink of my eyes. "I miss them," My words barely came out as a whisper. I've always been close to my grandma. She was the reason why I loved reading. I could still remember those days where I would wait by the bed for her to come by and read me tales or tell me made up stories.

I gulped in the lump that formed in my throat and brought the clover above my head, closing my eyes as I mumbled out a wish.

"I wish my families won't be all cries right now, I wish they will be smiling and not crying for me to come back."

As soon as I wished, I hastily tossed the clover far away, hoping the wish will come true.


I froze, the sound of leaves crunching echoed in the background. I took a peek, seeing where the sound came from but all I was met with was silence. It must be my mind, I thought before shaking my head. I stood up and stretched before another crunch sounded, but this time nearer and it was accompanied together with soft giggles that sounded evil or mischievous.

I looked around, staring at the area where I heard the sounds coming from. Bushes and mushrooms were there. "I can't be imagining the sounds right? It sounds real.." I mumbled and turned away, taking small steps around.

Tok! Tok! Tok!

I grew alarmed as I turned, the sound of footsteps coming towards me sounding heavy and quick. Before I could even see who the creature was, my eyes and mouth were covered and a low chuckle erupted from a distance.

"Silly little human."


"Mmmh.." I mumbled, before I groaned. My eyes fluttering open as I expected to see a sleeping human beside me. However, there was no presence. Huh? I jolted up before I looked at the other side although there was no space to lay at. "Aish, where must he be right now? I told him not to go anywhere without me." I mumbled tiredly. I rubbed my eyes before I focused them, pushing myself out to search for the human.

"Huening Kai?" I called out. Crickets and owls murmured in the background. I gave a look to an owl that sat on a tree opposite me, eyeing me in a judging manner.

Hoot..! Hoot..!

I flinched a little before letting out a soft scoff, watching the owl take it's leave with a loud hoot. "Creepy,"

I walked ahead before I saw words written on the ground. I raised a brow as I began reading, "Want him back? Solve my riddles to the middle..."

I stared at it, hopelessly before a realization slapped me. Oh no, don't tell me.. A desperate sigh left my lips as I slammed my face on a nearby tree trunk.

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