07 : Night With You

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[ Door To You ]

"When are we gonna rest? Argh—" Huening Kai groaned. He stopped and stretched, cracking his knuckles and neck. Y/N turned, giving him a look as she shook her head.

"We just stopped just now."

"Yeah and it was for a second!" He groaned before he trudged himself beside Y/N. "Come on, it's still 5:53. We still have a long way there," Y/N responded, holding the straps of her backpack closer. "We would eventually have to stop by to make out tent to sleep out."

"Okay Dora," Huening Kai drawled, rolling his eyes as soon as the duo emerged themselves into a slow walk.

"I swear to god who is Dora and why are you calling me that?!" Y/N exclaimed, turning her gaze to Huening Kai. Huening Kai gave her a glance before looking away. "Right, I forgot that you're a fairy— Dora is this 8 or 9 year old girl that goes on adventure with her backpack and a monkey. It's a cartoon. She creeps me out to be honest."

Y/N stared at him. Truly, she doesn't understand one bit of what he said except that Dora is a girl with a backpack. "Why does she creep you out?" Y/N wondered.

"Some say she is deaf and that the monkey is her helper while some others say she is a witch. There's a lot about her."

"That's scary.." Y/N commented softly as Huening Kai nodded in response.

They continued walking in silence, with occasional groans and yelps from Huening Kai and sighs from Y/N. The blue canva slowly fading to a orange-red sky, the sun slowly disappearing from the horizon. The human boy looked up, his lips opening up, "The sunsets are beautiful here,"

Y/N smiled, looking up as well to the once blue sky filled with fluffy white clouds. "I know right,"

Silence fell between them, a not awkward one. Huening Kai coughed, earning Y/N's attention. "So tell me about yourself, I don't think we even had a proper introduction. I'll start,"

Y/N turned to look at him, avoiding his eyes intentionally but stared at his face. "I'm Huening Kai. I'm 19 years old, love books. My stupid ass decided to go through a weird door and look, I'm here!" A sarcastic tone took over as he happily exclaimed the last sentence.

Y/N chuckled, "I'm Y/N L/N. A breath fairy, part of the rarer community and can't—" Y/N froze on her words as she cleared throat, "I MEAN, can play the ukulele and guitar."

Huening Kai narrowed his eyes at her, taken aback just now by her sudden change in correcting herself. There's something.

Clearing his throat, he groaned. "Can we already camp out. One more step and I'm gonna die!" He dramatically complained and Y/N rolled her eyes with a soft laugh.

"Fine, fine."

Huening Kai beamed and followed Y/N by skipping behind her.

Both of them stopped near a forest looking area. Y/N began to take out a tent to set their sleeping area up while the boy took the time to look around. It was already late evening. The faint, greyed-color crescent moon hid behind the grey clouds as it shone, giving them light for the dark night. Indistinct sounds of crickets and insects murmured in the early night.

"Excuse me, human but helping me out won't tire you out right?"

The said boy jolted her head towards her, sending her a confused a look. "Pardon?"

"Simply to it, help me instead of looking around." Y/N stated as she threw the other side of the tent to him, abruptly moving forward to catch it.

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