09 : Cursed?

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[ Door To You ]

"I swear to god," Y/N began, breaking the silence between them. She rubbed the bridge of her nose to calm herself down. "How did the both of you get into each other's business?"

Huening Kai shrugged, "I don't know. I was just walking around in front of the tent and that troll came up to me and kidnapped me."

"How the fuck are you so okay with it? For your information, if I couldn't answer that motherfucking riddle, you'll be that grumpy old shit's lunch." The fairy retorted. "Hey, look at the bright side," The human chirped, "You answered and look at me being alright, not a single scratch on my skin."

A sigh escaped her lips as she walked ahead, having the human boy quicken his pace to catch up. "Are you okay?" Huening Kai queried, concern painted on his face as he stared at Y/N. "I'm okay, I was just worried for you." She responded. Hearing her response, a cocky smile appeared on his face. He hopped in front of her and walked backwards. "So I made you worried, huh?" He asked, his cockiness beginning to overflow the glass. "You're going to trip." Y/N dully said but Huening Kai ignored it which made him trip over a rock and send him falling onto the ground.

"Ouch." He groaned, his hands instantly moving to his back. Y/N snorted and gave him a hand, pulling him up. "I warned you, you will trip."

As soon as the pain he felt diminished, he sent her a smirk, "So you are concerned for me." He said, confirming it. Y/N looked at him with a look before looking away, "It's basic care but if that's what you are gonna believe, then go ahead." Y/N shrugged.

"Come on, everyone will care for me. I'm a cutie!" The older male exclaimed which had the fairy gagging at his response. "Cutie? Really?" She asked, cringing at the word 'cutie'. 

Huening Kai rolled his eyes. "Yes, a cutie. I'm a cutie and deal with it."

"Self love, I see." Y/N raised a brow, nodding. "Well, I don't see you as a cutie." She commented although what her heart and mind spoke was opposite her words. Cute was an understatement to her. In her eyes, Huening Kai looked more than cute. She loved the way he laughed, his smile that radiated brightness and his eyes that twinkled every time.

"If you don't see me as a cutie then I'll let you see me as a man."

"Wha—" Y/N felt her breath hitching at the sudden close proximity the human leaned in. Both of them halted. With Huening Kai towering over Y/N's smaller body, a dominant feeling grew on him as he leaned closer a little more, their faces beginning to be inches away from each other's.

The early morning sun shone on them and Y/N could now clearly examine his face in close up. For some reasons, the close proximity made her feel nervous, heat rushing to her face and giddiness in her heart.

Huening Kai smirked, his eyes intensely stared into hers. "I could see you're speechless.." He mumbled, his voice low and hoarse in an attractive way. Still, no words left her lips. Huening Kai continued, "Have I ever said that you are beautiful? I found you really attractive the moment I saw you but I was shy to voice it out."

She wanted to say thanks and move back but a strong force had her rooted to ground. Seeing her lips opening and soon closing back, Huening Kai chuckled. "Tongue-tied, aren't you?" Moving his head back and his body too, he erupted into a laugh while Y/N stood frozen, still processing.

"I know I was too handsome and hot for you to handle just now," He responded cockily. Y/N snapped herself to reality and eyed the human. Rolling her eyes, she retorted. "Handsome and hot? I was judging how much of a cringe it was just now."

"Whatever, I know you're lying. Eyes don't lie." He sing-songed and skipped ahead, leaving Y/N staring at his back. Her heart was beating quickly and she knew why but she hoped it wasn't because of that.

"It isn't funny to play with my feelings." She muttered and caught up with him.


"Yah, You're gonna fall!"

"No, I won't. You worry too much, you should chill a bit ya know?"

Y/N rushed to Huening Kai who was sitting on top of a tree. Knowing they were still a few hours away from their desired location, Huening Kai suggested for a short break and as soon as the fairy agreed, he climbed a tree and sat on it which panicked the younger female.

"Yah, if you break your bones, I won't be responsible for that!"

The human shrugged past her remark and swung his feet. "Yah, I swear get down! The tree is too high for me." Y/N worriedly pleaded but Huening Kai raised a brow and sent her a smirk, "You see, you're worried for me! You're proving my point right." He arrogantly said.

Y/N sighed, "I was worried because I didn't want you to have a broken leg and when I send you away," She mumbled, pausing. She felt sad the moment she knew their time together was getting shorter. "I don't think your parents wants to see you with a broken leg once you returned, don't you think?" She reasoned out. The human nodded, "Fair point but I will be fine, don't worry. I'm a strong guy."

Y/N sighed and plopped herself onto the mushroom that was near the tree. Huening Kai watched her, a realization popping into his head. "Say, don't fairies fly? I never seen you fly like the other fairies." He queried. His eyes did not failed to notice the drop in her facial expressions. Confused, he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Well.." She mumbled, smiling bitterly. "I am cursed."

"Cursed?" Huening Kai repeated, his eyes widening. Y/N hummed, nodding. "I was born to not be able to fly and turns out I was cursed. My past self did something horrible and my current self is paying the price now."

"That's sad." He commented and Y/N sadly chuckled. "Due to that, my parents paid lesser attention to me. They thought I was useless since I couldn't fly and they also soon stopped exposing me to what type of fairy I was. I didn't know the pros and cons of being a rare breath fairy. These types of things are kinda private and can't be revealed so I couldn't read to find out."

"Oh.. But isn't there a way to break the curse?"

"There is but it's impossible with me being excluded from them since they think I'm useless and won't be any good."

"And that way is?" He queried, climbing down to get closer to the fairy.

"Well, I have to have my true love kiss to break it." She responded and Huening Kai snorted, "That's some cliché Sleeping Beauty shit there."

"Sleeping Beauty?" The fairy asked and the human nodded. "Long story short; It's a children movie and the princess is cursed into a deep sleep. The curse could only be broken by a true love's kiss."


Huening Kai sat beside her, patting her shoulder in a comforting way. "Don't worry, you'll find your true love and soon the curse will break."

may i say that I JUST REALIZED THAT

anyways double update because i felt like it :D

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