04 : Getting To Know

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[ Door To You ]

"Where are we going by the way?" The human asked as we walked side by side, occasionally avoiding paths which will lead us to a crowded area. 

I looked over at him and smiled, "Library. I'm going to find out about things about you humans." He nodded. "You could ask me though," He uttered. "I'm a human."

I raised a brow, "You don't look like the smart type of human. You look pretty dumb." The human gasped, "I'm totally not offended." I chuckled, "Haha sorry! I didn't mean to offend you." The human nodded with a small smile, "It's fine. Plus, I'm not dumb. Ask me any questions."

I raised a brow and began thinking of questions that I didn't understand at the academy. Ah right, I still don't know how that thing works.. I thought and turned to him. "How do you guys make kids?" I blinked. His face flushed a little. "Why are you asking me that?" He coughed. I looked at him, giving him a 'done' look. "You asked me to ask you anything." He coughed again.

"Well, we go through this mating thing.." He muttered. "And what do yall exactly do?" His face turned a deeper shade of red as he choked. "Um," He began. "Can I skip this question?"

I raised a brow and leaned towards him, "Why? Is it because you're dumb? And are you okay? Why do you look red?" He nodded vigorously. "I know it but not exactly how.." I leaned back and nodded, "Okay understandable I guess. I don't even know how we are created as well."

Silence fell between us as we walked slowly. The library is far from the place I stay at. I licked my lower lip and turned my attention to the boy beside me, looking timid. "How do you humans portray us in films?" He looked at me, "Well, all of yall are usually the kind ones while the witches are the evil ones." I nodded slowly. Silence yet again fell between us. It was painfully quiet for me but I kept my mouth shut, thinking he wouldn't want to talk.

"I don't know if this will offend you but why do fairies have different colored hair? I mean, I find them beautiful."

"Well, human," I started. "Our hair colors are the ones that represent which part of the fairy family we are part of. For example; mine is purple and black. I am part of the breath fairy family but mine is rare. Blue and black are the breath fairies while purple and black is the rarer part of the family. I actually don't know what we do because apparently, I was excluded from all of it."

He raised a brow. "Why?" I remained quiet as he asked me the reason. Noticing my silence, he pursed his lips and bowed his head a little, "Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. Ignore why I asked that." I shook my head, "Nah, it's fine. It's just... something personal."

"Okay.." He trailed on his words. I looked ahead and noticed the library was close by. Grabbing his hand, I dragged him towards the building quickly. "We arrived," I pulled him in and immediately pushed him against a wall while I rested beside him, looking over the wall. The librarian who was an elf was snoring himself behind the counter. I smirked and pulled the human quickly to the side and pushed him below the red string.

"What in the world-" I hushed him by slamming my hand on his lips and jumped in. "Shh, we can't let them know we entered through here." He blinked at me, "Are you saying we just trespassed?" He lisped. "Maybe we did, maybe we didn't." I said before I yeet myself inside the room. The human followed me from behind slowly as peeked in and looked around.

I raised a brow, "There's nothing here that will harm you if that's what you're worried about. Don't worry we won't be caught."

He frowned, "How can you be so sure about that?"

"I came here before to study about humans for my academy test."

"Oh." He muttered and stepped in, looking around. I smiled at him and looked up, "These, human, are all the books about species in my world and your world. These books are pretty much rare so they are kept in this place to have it safe." 

"If there are books here," He began and glanced at me. "Then why did you ask me about the reproduction question?"

"They way they interpreted it was so scientific that I couldn't understand. Plus a human like you must be able to tell me how it is done and how they feel when they reproduce."

He blinked at me before looking away. "I'm in no position right now to explain that.."


"Wait, what is a blood group?"

"A classification of blood. We have 4 blood types; A, AB, B, O." The human explained. Not understanding what he meant, I just nodded along, not wanting to know more of it which might probably harm my mind before continuing the book.

He leaned closer to me and examined the book I was reading. "Will a book which is all about Human Science help you with finding my way back home?"

"I have no answer for that."

i just realized i havent updated-
soeuw anyways here ya go-

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