Chapter 21: The Exam Is Boring Pt. 2

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So... boring.

Leaning my weight back onto my hands that were rooted to the carpet, I exam the toys that were kept in each colorful bin.

I finished the test earlier than the other few participants that were my age and was brought here to entertain myself.

This is ridiculous, I'm not a child.

You are one.

But I don't need to play with toys to keep myself busy.

They're mocking you.

I push the thoughts in the back of my head in annoyance. I was a child, physically, but I was different than others.

Toys? I never had them, nor would I find pleasure playing with them.

Looking into one of the bins with a bit of annoyance, my brows raised. It was a figurine, a knight with his sword out above his head. It was plastic, but rather impressive that such details placed upon the toy made it seem as if it were real.

The little scuffles upon the chin, the lines on the forehead as the figurine frowned...

Wait. What am I doing? I shouldn't be looking at this.

Before I could force myself to turn away, my eyes trailed to the rest of the figurines, one was which a princess. Her arms holding out as if about to embrace the love of her life.

I reach for the two.

I'm just interested in the details, that's all...

I switch the position so the princess was holding out to the knight as he raised his sword to slaughter the person in front.

That doesn't seem right.

Gathering up the figurines from the bin, I brought it to the carpet, organizing where each one should be.

See? You truly are a child.

I didn't bother with the thought nor spare a glance at the other children who finished the test, but I did feel them hovering around me to watch what I did.


"His hair is weird but he's handsome."

"I wonder what he's doing."

Their whispers fell deaf to my ears as my focus was solely on the figurines in front.

"Maybe you should place that there!"

"Wait, no, that doesn't make sense..."

"Why would the princess hold the baker that way?"

Ignoring them, I arrange my pieces and placed the final piece down before staring at my masterpiece.

The knights were divided into the color of their armors and looked like they were going to war with each other.

The princess was up on the balcony of her plastic castle, her arms out and her gaze dreamily to make it seem as if she was enjoying the view.

The stern Queen on her respectful throne while the villagers were away from the battle and in front of the castle.

The baker and his makeshift family working in the kitchen, the librarian in the library, the shopkeepers selling to other villagers.

"Congratulations." I look up to the source of the voice to see it was the strict looking educator who was in charge of supervising our tests, "You have all completed the first test, you all may exit in orderly fashion, single file please."

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