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Greetings to all.

oh great heavens. we are never doing that again.

hello. i am the author who many just call "bean" because my name is a mystery. okay maybe not, but i don't just come out and say it all the time. it's just sprinkled around wattpad here and there. ig you can try going on a scavenger hunt or something? man, idk.

okay, okay. enough about me and my not-so-mysterious mysterious name.

you're all here for one thing, and one thing only. you probably were already follower of mine and wanted some insight as to how i've gotten to where i have. and if you weren't/aren't, welcome. buckle up because this is gonna be one hell of a ride.

now, without further ado, let's get to it.

writing for dummiesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin