19. Dani

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Sweetling. A word that was normally said as a term of endearment, spoken between loved ones out of a sense of adoration and respect.

The way Catalina says it, though, is the way one would say it to a plaything.

“What're you doing here?” Marco growls as the devil pulls up a chair. “I thought socializing was beneath you.”

The shrill sound of metal sliding across the floor grates at my ears and, hesitantly, I glance in Catalina's direction. Her long razor-straight black hair was tucked into a fancy updo and the dark gray pencil dress she wore only accentuated the regal confidence that oozed from every pore of her ebony skin. I hated to admit that she was attractive, but I guess that was part of the allure. Like a Venus fly trap made of flesh and bone. The perfect predator.

“No, darling,” Catalina purrs as she lowers herself elegantly between us. “Socializing with your kind is beneath me. Thankfully, I'm not here to see you.” Her chocolate eyes meet mine and my blood turns to ice in my veins. “Do you mind?” she asks, motioning to the carafe at the center of the table.

Her question sounds so harmless, so normal, that all I can do is blink. “Y-you want coffee?”

“Well I'd prefer a martini, but seeing as how this is a coffee shop I suppose coffee will have to do. Unless you had something a bit more”—her gaze travels slowly down my body and her red lips curve into a sinister grin—“appetizing, in mind?”

I don't think I've ever jumped out of my seat so fast in my life. “I'll get you a cup,” I mutter as I make a beeline for the counter. Whether she was serious in carrying out her subtle threat or simply messing with me, I was not about to provoke a vampire. I've seen far too many movies to know that it would not end well.

As I approach the counter I take a quick peek into the break room, but the bubbly blonde is nowhere to be seen. Great, just great. The one time I actually need Rose around to act as my lifeline from the supernatural and she disappears on me.

Just breathe, Dani. Catalina only wants to talk. She won't try anything in public with people watching. Just. Breathe.

I inhale sharply, willing my nerves to calm as I grab a styrofoam cup from the stack and turn around.


I nearly jump out of my skin as a customer waves his hand in my face. “Do you work here?” He points an accusatory finger to the brown apron tied around my waist and doesn't wait for my response. “I've been standing here for ten minutes! What the hell kind of business are you running? Did everyone go on break at once or are you just this bad at your job?”

“I-I'm sorry?” Have I really been talking to Marco for that long?

“Who's in charge, here? I'd like to speak to your manager.”

Shit. Rose was in charge while David was out, and she'd probably kill me for getting her in trouble right before David killed her for letting a customer wait that long. His store's reputation was everything to him.

Before I can reply, a manicured hand grips the dissatisfied patron's arm and spins him around with little effort.

“What the—!”

“Your yelling is giving me a headache,” Catalina croons as she drags her nails along his chin. Flecks of red swirl in her irises, the chocolate hues melting away as she locks her gaze with his, and my stomach churns.

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