33. Dani

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I've never seen Ashe so angry before, but the mix of emotions that emanated from her now were nearly suffocating. As she glares between the vampire and her demon aunt with a look that would kill any mortal, I lean in to Marco. “What did Nadia do to her?”

The bear shrugs, though I can tell by the worry lines that creased his brow that he was just as concerned for her as I was. “Demons are known for rooting around people's minds and manipulating their deepest thoughts. Memories, secrets, nightmares, dreams. None of it's safe from a demon's gaze. It's why they're feared in our world. Yours, too, if people found out about them.”

“Is that what she was doing? Rooting around in Ashe's brain?” As invasive as that sounds, I couldn't help but wish that I had that kind of power. What I wouldn't give to read the redhead's mind, to know what she was thinking in the moments we've shared. Or what she was feeling.

“I don't know. I've never met a demon before, much less seen what they can do. But I'd be happy to never see another one again as long as I live.”

“You mean you've never met Nadia before today?”

“No. Ashe only ever mentioned her a few times. Demons are hunted by the Tribunal so I figure that makes Ashe's position a bit, well, complicated. She'd try to keep her existence a secret as long as she can.”

'It's because of Nadia that she joined the Reapers.' I turn my gaze back to the three supernaturals as they continue to stare each other down. Marco had mentioned last night that Ashe was protective. How far would she go to protect the demon who raised her?

“So that's why Ashe joined the Reapers?” I look back at the bear. “To protect Nadia's existence from the Tribunal?”

Marco nods.

“So you knew about her, then, before we came here. You knew Nadia was a demon and you didn't say anything.”

He flinches at the accusation in my tone, his lips twitching as guilt tugged at the corners of his mouth. “It wasn't my secret to tell, Dani.”

“You people and your fucking secrets.” I roll my eyes. Now I understood Ashe's frustration. “Look, I'm not mad, okay? But a little forewarning would've been nice.”

“I know, and I'm sorry.” He lifts a brow, green eyes searching my own as a thought crosses his mind. “How'd you know, though?”

“Know what?”

“That she's a demon. You knew before anyone said anything, before she admitted it earlier. Did Ashe say something to you?”

“No, not until after she introduced us.” But wasn't it obvious? Her glowing eyes were almost a dead giveaway that she wasn't human! “You mean you couldn't tell?”

Marco shakes his head. “The skins they wear hide their true form and what it doesn't hide they cover up with enchanted objects, like the glasses Nadia wears to conceal her eyes. You wouldn't know that Nadia was a demon unless she wanted you to know.”

I sit back, sinking into the sofa as an uneasy silence settles over us once more. I know what I saw. Even before Ashe explained the skin she wore, even before I confronted her aunt on my own suspicions. I knew in my gut from the moment I first met her that Nadia was a demon.

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