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"I want to pick, Mrs. Bae's company" Everyone widened her eyes and Jisoo was confused why are they acting like that

"Why are you all shocked?" Jisoo asked

"It's our first time that someone would like to join Irene's company cause all of them more like half of them choose Jennie" The employee said

"And Jisoo, You know my company is better than anyone else and everybody knows me around the world!" Jennie protests

"I know that. But I want to join Mrs. Bae's company." Jisoo said then look smiley at Irene

"Look, Mrs. Jennie Kim wants you to join in her company. So just take it--" Irene stop when Jisoo says something

"She's not even the one who's picking. I'm the one who can choose which I like. So just accept that I want to join you." Jisoo ended the conversation

Irene sigh in disbelief

"Okay, Fine. But soon, you'll regret it." Jennie said in firm tone as she gets her things then leave, barged the door harshly

"I'm sorry for Jennie's attitude. She's just really like that. Anyway, Thanks Jisoo, I hope you'll do great." Mina shake's hands with Jisoo

"It's okay, Mrs. Myoui. It's not your fault anyway so you don't need to be sorry" Jisoo smile

Then Mina also got out on the office, Leaving Irene and Jisoo alone together

"So uhhh... Your gonna start your first day tomorrow. I'll be sending the schedu--"

"Tomorrow? Like I'm gonna start immediately?"

"Is there a problem with that?" Irene asked coldly

"I mean, Sure! I've love to work tomorrow... Yeah..."

"I'll be sending the schedule tomorrow, and make sure that your not gonna be late.Be here In 8:00 am" Irene said

Jisoo couldn't believe that It was harder than she thinks it is

She take a glance on Irene.

Waaaa.... She's so beautiful

She was still staring at her until Irene looks back.

There was DEAD SILENCE. Irene didn't know that she has been checking Jisoo's visual on like a seconds

"Stop staring." Irene said try to avoid contact

"But I caught you staring back." Jisoo replied making Irene feel a warm on her cheek

Jisoo notice it, starting to feel worried

"Mrs. Bae, Are you okay? Your face is getting red. Should I take you home? Maybe your not feeling well, I'll get some wate--"

"I'm okay. You don't have to do all of that anyway" Irene was about to leave but Jisoo grab her wrist

"Wait Mrs. Bae, I just want to say that Thank you so much for the opportunity to work with you" Jisoo smiled and Irene smiled back

"No problem. Just don't fail" Irene said while not looking at Jisoo

And at last, Irene removed her hand from Jisoo and left

Irene got outside from the office and couldn't help but smile a little

"Goshh Irene, What is this feeling?!!.."


Jisoo was now home revealing Lisa and Rosé watching some TV

She came closer to them, until she saw Rosé crying

"Hey, Why are you crying?" Jisoo asked

"That man!!! Why did she hurt the women's heart! Huhuhuhu" Rosé cry loudly

"She's weird?"

"Totally." Lisa chuckle

Jisoo giggle at the two but decided to rest first one her bedroom

She lay down on her bed but suddenly she smile thinking what happen earlier


Irene removed her hand from Jisoo and left

Irene got outside from the office and couldn't help but smile a little

Little did not Irene know, Jisoo saw that.

Jisoo saw Irene smile make her smile either.

Flashback end

"I don't even know what I'm feeling anymore" Jisoo sighed but any second's she always smile when she always saw her boss

Mrs. Bae Irene

"Her name sounds beautiful..."

"I forgot... I have a job tomorrow. And that pissed me off. I wonder what will happen tomorrow anyway...."

Jisoo changed her clothes and get ready to get some sleep tomorrow


Jennie was in her office, Literally pissed on why did the intern didn't chose her

"You'll regret it not choosing me"

"I'll show you that I'm the one who can prove you that my company is better than Irene!"

Jennie couldn't help it, She throw the paper off the table

Your still gonna work for me, Kim Jisoo.

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