Research (3)

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Hey guys!! Chapter 3! I'm so excited to get this out to you guys! Sorry it's so late I've been crazy busy! Oh! This does have a few racier parts in it so if you don't like that sort of thing I would skip over it :)

X~ Claisha

P.S.- Let me know what you think!! AND VOTE!!


"Could you believe his face?" William asked laughing "He turned so white!"

The entire ride to the library William had been going on and on about the face Blake made when I told him I was Madame La'Laurie's descendant. Honestly, I felt rather terrible for causing such a dramatic scene but I refused to just stand by silently while he called my professional opinion into question.

IN the beginning, when Richard was dragging me with him to the field, I became accustomed to people acting like Blake had. Richard claimed that peoples' perception of me had nothing to do with his decision to let me work from the cabin but the harsh truth of the matter was that the more who inquired about my age and, there fore, my integrity as a consultant, the more I would be questioned about the accuracy of the cases in which I assisted.

Through my career only one man had walked free because of something I missed and I have since then been extra diligent in making sure all the evidence was accounted for prior to Richard made an official arrest. 

"Oh don't act so smug! You looked like you were going to piss your pants when I first told you." I jested, ducking under William's arm to enter the library. He pulled the door shut behind himself still chatting loudly.

"Well it's not everyday that someone you know turns out the be the granddaughter of a serial killer!"


The short command came from behind a towering stack of dusty books balanced on the information desk in the center of the room.

I started making my way in that direction sliding around mounds of books that were littering the floor like land mines as I whispered back to William. "You don't know me anymore, William. Hell, you probably think that I'm still the same shy, little girl who  followed you around like a lost puppy."

Once we reached the desk I turned to him, thrust my finger into his chest, and locked my gaze onto his.

"I'm not that Anna anymore. Haven't been for a long time Will. You make think that I'm here because I'm Richard's favorite or that my job just fell into my lap. It didn't. I had to work my ass off to get to were I am today. I've had to look into the eyes of killer after killer to earn my respect."

William held my gaze for a moment more before a lopsided grin spread across his face.

"You called me Will." he said warmly. I hadn't realized I'd used his high school nickname and I mentally cursed myself.

Really?! That's all he got out of my little rant? Ugh!! Congratulations!! You just muted your whole point! You wanted him to respect the person you are now? Well, guess what, you failed! You should have kno-

"Excuse me, I don't mean to be rude but can I help you two?"

A tall woman with long red hair spilling down her back popped her head over the pile of books. She had large brown eyes faceted in smooth, creamy skin that heal a slight tan and her slender body was clothed in a classic plum sheath far to elegant for this dump of a library.

"I'm sorry ma'me. I called earlier for the Police Department; we're here to pick up the information on Marie La'Laurie." William said as he clasped his hands behind his back trying to look official.

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