Protection (6)

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Hello beauties! 

See I told you I was back!! He is the long overdue chapter five!! It's unedited so if there are mistakes just read over them. I'm not perfect!



I pounced from the bed onto the figure standing before me sending both of us tumbling to the ground in a tangle of arms and legs. Thankfully I landed on top of my assailant with his face buried in the floor.

Whatever instincts humans are inherently born with that allows them the ferocity to maim surged through my veins as I dug my fingers into the man's hair and rammed his face into the rough carpet.

"Anna!" my kidnapper protested.

I rammed his face into the carpet with as much force as I could muster.

"Stop it!"


"I'm not trying to hurt you!"

I slammed the man's face once more, smiling manically when a grotesque crack rang through the room.

"Damn it, Anna!" my captor growled.

One moment I was snatching my assailant's head back to smash it into the ground again and the next I found myself flying backwards through the air.

I landed on the industrial style carpet with a grunt. My captor twisted around until he was sitting across my stomach, pinning my wrists above my head. He had his head bent down trying to catch his breath and I could feel something warm, wet rhythmically dripping along my collarbone. Panic ripped at any rational I had left.

I struggled in my assailant's grip trying to buck him off but my kidnapper just pushed me further into the flooring. I squeezed my eyes shut trying to push away the panic attack rising in my chest. It didn't work.

"No! Please, let me go!" I begged. Tears were beginning to spill from the corners of my eyes.

"Anna, stop it! I'm not going to hurt you!"

The reassurance had little effect, it just made my lungs constrict as more memories crowded my senses.

The therapists called it PTSD but, really, it was just hell. Hell every time I smelled the same cologne, hell every time someone held me down, hell every moment of the day.

Avery traced his thumb across my bottom lip gently before slapping me harshly. My vision, already blurry, darkened around the edges. The smell of Avery's cheep cologne clogged my nose as he leaned closer.

"I should thank you, Pig. I really should be grateful that you're such a fu%king fat fu%k up but, you see, the problem is you almost did it. You almost got me locked up." Avery whispered in my ear lovingly almost like he was reading a romantic love poem.

I could feel the blood from the 'story' he had written across my thighs as rolling down my legs and the rope around my cuffs around my wrists had already broken the skin.

Part of myself had shut off long ago when Avery had first drug me into the dank, musty apartment. It seemed as though I was watching from high above as he violated me again and again. There was no stopping what he was doing to me.

At first I'd held out hope that Richard would come bursting through the door but after two days that hope was little more than a ghost light in the distance. Visible but untouchable.

"Thank you." I mumbled so quietly though my dry, cracked lips that i feared he wouldn't hear me.

Somewhere buried under the shy, quiet girl I'd always been was the manipulator I kept locked away. I spent years watching my mother kill with a smile any time one of the other rich socialites stepped on her pretty entitled toes; observation had taught me well.

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