Eyes (4)

124 11 6

* There is another spicy scene here so please be warned!

"So Anna, what exactly do you do for the FBI?" Lia asked partway though the meal.

I was enjoying having actual people to talk to at the dinner table for once so I had been willing to answer most of her questions.

"I'm technically classified as a consultant. Normally I would be called in on cases that require an expertise in a specific field but I am lucky enough to have a permanent position on Richard's team. Usually Richard sends me photos and reports of the cases he is working and then I try to piece together a motive for someone killing the person. Unless someone gets a case dealing with theft. Then, since that is what I actually specialize in, I help sort out how the theft was carried out and the best way to retrieve the stolen property."

"You make it sound so easy!" Lia flung her hands through the air in mock exasperation. "If you don't mind my asking, how many cases have you solved?"

"A few" I answered modestly shoving a forkful of coleslaw in my mouth.

"No, I can tell by the way Agent Jones treats you that you've solved more than a 'few' cases" William finally spoke up.

I cleared my throat and thought a moment before I answered him.

"Okay, I'll tell you how many cases I've solved if you tell me how you ended up becoming a detective for Pagroux Parish," William nodded in agreement. "I've solved roughly about 300 cases give or take a few."

Lia and William both shared the same shocked looks on their faces.

"That's at least one a week!" Lia exclaimed.

I shrugged meekly and turned my attention to William with an expectant look.

"Fine, but you have to tell me where you went after you left" he said striking his own deal.

After mentally weighing my options, and deciding that I shared less information than he was about to, I consented to his terms.

"Okay deal. Now how did you end up here?"

"After you left my dad kicked me out. So with no money and no place to stay I applied for the police academy in Baton Rouge. I got accepted and graduated head of my class. When it came time to get a job I didn't see any point in going back home so I applied for the department here. I meet Henry who thought I'd make a good replacement for his partner." William paused to take a bite of fish then mumbled "your turn."

My stomach felt queasy at the prospect of explaining everything I went through to get here. Sure, I could give them the bare, public facts but even those weren't great. Then again, William's story wasn't perfect. I didn't ask him to go into detail about his experience so maybe he would extend me the same luxury.

"Well I took a bus to Virginia where I applied for the FBI several times before Richard finally saw me and gave me a chance. After one of our cases he found me sleeping in an ally just outside of headquarters so he made me come stay with him and his wife until I could get on my feet. Once I started making enough money, Mrs. Ellen suggested I buy their vacation home in Alaska since I work on so many high profile cases. She thought it would be safer if I was far removed from the people I was helping lock up. I moved there three years ago and that's still were I live with my dog."

"You have a puppy?" Lia asked bouncing a little.

I chuckled at her excitement.

"Yes, Richard gave her to me for protection; had her trained and everything."

Suddenly I had the urge to see Vanilla's waggly butt. She was suppose to be dropped off around two o'clock at the hotel and I missed her furiously.

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