Lilith (5)

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Heyy beauties!!

I know it has taken me forever to get this out to you but, as I said in my profile, I work as a Tax Professional so my time has been limited here lately. Thank you for being so understanding though! :) On to an important matter: I am fixing to upload the first chapter of Wonderland Bullet and then I'll upload ch 5 here. I'll be working like that from now on unless there is a serious cliff-hanger involved in either story and then I post the next chapter there just so you don't grow to impatient lol!

XX~ Claisha

P.S.- Please leave a comment and let me know what you think especially if you are one of my continual readers :)


The carpet of the hotel room that I once thought plush bit into my skin but I ignored it. 

Vanilla was the only innocent thing in my life. The one thing that wasn't affected by the death and danger that constantly swirled around me. Now she was gone. MY friend, my companion was gone forever. Taken because some deranged person wanted to play with my head. Gone because of this case and this f**king god forsaken state. Because of me.


Fish's POV

"Hello?" I sandwiched the phone between my shoulder and ear preparing to smash another ball into the back pocket of the billiard table.

"O'Cuinn, are you still at the Pagroux Grande?" Agent Jones asked getting straight to the point. He had never really been a person of pleasantries but this time his tone demanded action.

'In the lobby, what's wrong?"

I dropped my pool stick and stalked out of the smoky game room ignoring the angry shouts of the men I'd been playing against.

"Get to Anna. I'm on my way there now."

"Yes sir." I said pulling the phone away from my ear I was just about to end the call when I heard Agent Jones once again.

"O'Cuinn, one more thing. Be careful."

I shoved my phone into my pocket and bolted down the hall in a full sprint. The elevator was already closing when I rounded the corner but I was determined to get to Anna without wasting a second. I pumped my legs harder and dove between the doors tumbling into a graceful ball at the very last moment.

Six pair of shocked eyes settled on me once I stood from my knelt position on the floor. I marched over to the control panel and jabbed the 'emergency stop' button. The second floor corridor was revealed when the doors opened but no one moved.

"Everyone out! Official business!" I bellowed yet still no one budged.

Oh well, have it your way then.

Reaching behind me I pulled out the 38. Special I kept tucked in the waist band of my pants then made a dramatic showing of checking it for bullets. Screams filled the small metal cabin as the patrons fled for their lives nearly trampling each other in the process. I smiled to myself and punched the button for the top floor.

You scared those people.

Serves them right. They wouldn't get out.

So you what? Decided that making them think we were going to kill them was better? 

If it got them to move faster then sure.

As the elevator rushed toward the top floor I crouched to check my ankle holster for the 9mm I carried then pulled the slender knife set from my pocket and strapped it to my forearm. Whatever was wrong with Anna, I was ready.

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